Newbie Here

by bluegirl78 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Welcome Bluegirl!

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome! Why in the world would you want to go back?

  • bluegirl78

    Jamie, good question. Maybe temporary insanity?? Seriously, though, it was a combination of pressure from my parents and the fact that I've been out so long it was easier to only remember some of the more positive aspects of the religion - old friends, feeling of having found a truly good group of people even if I didn't believe it was the only "true" religion, etc. Unfortunately, this is the only religion I've ever really known, and even though I didn't agree with all of the JW teachings I really did believe that the WTS was sincere in trying to help others. Yep, I thought they were a bit misguided at times, but overall the best you were gonna find in this imperfect world. Of course now I realize how extremely naive that was, but I guess that's what a lifetime of indoctrination does for ya.

    Again, I'm really grateful for this site - thanks everyone!

  • nugget

    Hi bluegirl and welcome. The suggestions given are great, if you want a slightly different viewpoint read the 19th wife about the wife of Brigham Young one of the leaders of the Mormon church. It is sometimes easier to see the cult in other faiths and helps to open your eyes to the possibility that men who claim to be Gods voice are speaking about their own choices and hang ups. Once I had read this I was able to look at the early history of the JWs and see the flaws properly rather than justifying them by saying that they were just imperfect men whose heart was in the right place.

    Think very carefully about what it would mean for your child if you were to go back. My children are on the way out with us and are so much more relaxed and happy. They don't have to deal with politics and issues of not being good enough. You don't realise the guilt you pile on them until it is taken away. Just a thought.

  • torn in two son
    torn in two son

    Crisis of Conscience this, Crisis of Conscience that. I dunno, it's enormous, (tipping the scales at 900 and something pages) and my scatterbrained-hormone ridden-sleep deprived brain can't take that book in. Funny no one reccommended The God Delusion, after dipping my toes into Crisis of Conscience, I found The God Delusion is written intelligently, logically, and in a way that a 9th grader can understand. "We were all atheists about most of the Gods humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one God further." The only thing I don't like about his book is just how pro-atheist he is, right now I'd say i'm some weird mish-mash of

    agnostic/buhddhist/deist/Carl Saganist/Scientist/absurdist/protagonist/contrapuntist/other words that end in -ist


    Torn In Two Son

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