canada's "zone visit"

by agent zero 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hoser

    I know for a fact it never happened anywhere in Saskatchewan or Alberta.

  • hoser

    agent zero

    maybe it was a local event and they tried to pump it up. I've talked to a lot of brothers in responsible positions in the last two days and I've heard nothing of it. where was this meeting held agent zero? If it was a local event and they said it was Canada wide they said a big fat Lie.

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    that's really odd, here it was held at the assembly hall, and it was broadcast over the phone line direct from georgetown bethel. among the places they mentioned it was being broadcast were edmonton, calgary, saskatoon..

  • hoser

    You must be in Ontario the center of the JW universe. I heard nothing mentioned by any of my relative elders or the elders in the cong. I heard nothing about it happening in Edmonton or Saskatoon. If it did happen in these western cities it must have been for invited ears only.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Not meaning to go "off topic", but still relevant to the thread:

    Asia's zone visit will be held in Japan (Ebina Bethel) during the first week in May. There are some missionaires assigned within the zone that will fly in in order to attend. And in case you want to know, their airfare is paid for by the Society.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    It did happen in Alberta. Stiff's (Still in Family) went on Saturday, but not all circuits invited. Given the lack of emotion/eagerness to share the love on my Stiff's faces I take it nothing much was revealed and that it was another waste of time. Shifting the printing to Canada from the US is a tax dodge - thats the true light getting brighter on this topic.

  • dissed

    What i would lke to see is a USA tarriff on importing literature....jk

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