you should not have to choose between your religion and family ! (awake mag quote)

by looloo 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • pirata

    Reading that article for the first time in 2009 sent a tingle up my spine. Something about it just felt wrong. This article and the Sept 07 KM (which discourages "independent" research) were the articles that helped me to see that something just wasn't right with these double standards.. Unfortunately, this realization often has to come from within. Many people will "block out" information that they don't WANT to believe.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    apparently" there are lies on the internet !"

    Send him the name and date and page number of the publication and ask him to show you a copy of the magazine, or the page, to prove that you have been lied to. Preferably, get him to read the article to you.

    Always immediately challenge a JW to "Prove it!" when they deny something that you know is in print in their litterature. You must force them to go to their bookshelf, get the book and read it and know that they have been busted.



  • doublelife

    I kept the magazine. I plan on using it on my mom if needed. But I'll probably get the same response Aeiouy got.

  • poopsiecakes

    The GB puts everything right there in black and white and people still can't see it. I find it amazing that they have the balls to print the truth so blatantly and then twist it so that it only applies to every other religion on this planet. That's messed up!

  • AwSnap

    I showed the article to my sibling a little before July of last year. I was told, "Well, its not hypocritical. Its talking about people who havent already dedicated their lives to Jehovah." I asked "well why doesnt it say that in the article? it could be very misleading for householders." PpphhhshhhhEWW! Right through one ear and out the other.

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