SOON is a baloney sliced too thin. WHAT DOES 'SOON' really mean??

by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jwfacts

    I was taught in sales never to use such terms; for instance telling someone I will call them back soon. It is a meaningless, open ended term that leads to misunderstanding. Preferable is to set a time frame - I will call back next week.

    At there are examples of Watchtower use of soon spanning 130 years along with the other favourite imminent.

  • thetrueone

    The arrogance of power at the hands of the leaders of the WTS. gets observed in accumulating amounts

    from past to present. The SOON propaganda is just one of the provocative lies to lock the servitude people

    into manipulation and control. To the unfortunate few that bought into these and other gargantuan lies by the WTS.

    their own lives were disrupted and ruined.

    How the hell with all of these prosperous lies could anyone think that god is using this organization as his sole

    channel of communication to man ? ( oh yeah its part of the self marketing )

    I only a one date to contend with and that was 1975 which started my exit out the door.

    Goes to show where there is a prevalence of power in certain men's hands danger and damage will certainly

    make an appearance.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "SOON" denotes a slice of time far slimmer than Mr. Creosote's after-dinner mint.

    In fact, it is even thinner than the thinnest slice of fine Serrano ham wrapped around a luscious slice of melon.

    It is closer than the inside of your eyelid,

    "half, half, half..."...and yet, as in Zeno's Paradox, IT NEVER ARRIVES.

    (...and, don't worry, kiddies, it NEVER WILL.)

  • Elsewhere

    > a baloney sliced too thin

    That is a very interesting metaphor. I've never heard that before.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    "WHAT DOES 'SOON' really mean??"

    Same thing as 'NEAR'.

    As in, The End of False Religion Is Near!!

    Terry, just put all that fancy logic away and stare at the lightning bolt.


  • moshe

    Smilin' Bob says, that you can experience the excitement of male enhancement, "soon", too! Lots of good stuff happens to you sooner or later,or much, much later.

  • Quentin


  • Quentin

    OOPS!...there's that word...

  • Quentin

    SOON=jw treadmill

    The Bunny that NEVER keeps going and going....

  • Quentin

    imminent (JWfacts)...

    Ah yes, another "good" word...soon, honest hearted folks will see the imminet end of this "old system of things" as it gives way to Jehovah's "new system of things."

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