Just ONE FACT, that's all I ask, JUST ONE.....

by Terry 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    wHAT IS A FACT?:

    a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened

    I've read the bible many times in many ways with many methods.

    But, I don't really see in it any information which you'd be compelled to say was DIVINE.

    Or, to put it another way....

    What information does the bible contain that is "obviously" from a divine source unavailable by any other source?

    Practical information; not doctrinal assertions is what I mean.

    For example:

    God might have mentioned micro-organisms, germs, hygiene. Think how many Millions have died not knowing exactly what a germ was or how disease is transmitted.

    Even Jesus' disciples didn't wash their hands before eating.

    Sources of energy, technology, innoculations, inventions to relieve human suffering all came from individual scientists who used rational thinking rather than scripture.

    The bible is rather a strange document to claim authorship by the most intelligent being in all the universe, and yet, reveals nothing superhuman in it at all.

    Or, am I being blind to something here?

    Help me out, apologists.

    It is easy to say, "Well, it is the Spiritual side that is most important."

    Uh huh. Easy to say because spiritual pronouncements AREN'T TESTABLE or falsifiable.

    With all the bible-loving, inerrantists floating around there must be somebody who can give an example of some FACT stated in the Bible not known anywhere by ordinary human methods at the time of writing.

    Just one.

    That's all I ask.

    I've asked this of people I meet and they usually try to say, "God said something about dwelling above the circle of the Earth, didn't he?"

    Yet, the word "circle" applies to something flat like a coin when the word "sphere" would be accurate.

    That sort of apology.




  • stillajwexelder

    RELIGION IS A SNARE AND RACKET - so said Rutherford - that is a fact

  • stillajwexelder

    Jerusalem will be destroyed by Roman armies?

  • wobble

    I certainly cannot think of one. It is a bit like my question to JW's :

    "What is the one teaching that was taught in 1919 that convinced Jesus that Rutherford and Co were suitable as the FDS ?"

    I have asked that of a number of long time Dubs and had no answer.

    I think you may be waiting a long time Terry, good question as usual.



  • glenster

    The basic God concept of the Bible, of a transcendent, necessary exnihilator
    of the cosmos is a compelling, not arbitrary, possibility because the cosmos
    isn't necessarily necessary. Anyone knows that. Sheesh. Beyond that it's not
    a proof of is or isn't, it's a faith, which the Bible also makes clear--Paul
    gives it as what you're saved by, etc.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    What about the witness classic . . .

    Job 19:20 - the skin of my teeth

    I seem to remember the society banging on about the teeth having skin cells . . . .

  • miseryloveselders

    2 Timothy 3:16-17 (New International Version)

    16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    There you are you heathen.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    The bible was for something more important

    What information does the bible contain that is "obviously" from a divine source unavailable by any other source?

    I give up.

    What is the answer Terry?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    "What is the one teaching that was taught in 1919 that convinced Jesus that Rutherford and Co were suitable as the FDS ?"

    I have asked that of a number of long time Dubs and had no answer.

    The only answer I could get from a JW with your question is " We weren't teaching the trinity"

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