Just ONE FACT, that's all I ask, JUST ONE.....

by Terry 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Terry, you work in a book store. I dont have any hard facts but if you want a pretty good

    clue to what is going on read "Slave Species of God" by Michael Tillinger, or the 12th planet

    by Zechariah Sitchin.

    Or have you read them already and dismissed them?

    I've heard the name before, but, I haven't held any of his books in my widdle paws yet. I'm currently reading ARISTOTLE'S CHILDREN.


  • drwtsn32

    Divine knowledge: There will be EARTHQUAKES. No specific dates or details, just that they will happen. That's almost as awesome as me saying "There will be snow in the future."

  • wobble


    Strange, I thought the Christians on this board would be leaping in with something, after all they quote the Bible at us enough, as though it comes from God.

    It seems to me that there is as much proof that the Bible is from god as there is to prove that Jesus chose the Bible Students/ rutherford WTB$ in 1919 !

    How much proof is that ?

    Zilch, none, sweet FA.



  • PSacramento

    You can read "the language of God", By Francis Collins to see a sceintific view on reason and "faith".

    But if you are looking for FACTS based on what is written in the bible, I don't think that will happen, EVEN if we accept the premise that God inspired the biblical writers to write, they wou;d still be the ones writing, and for a target audience.

    The bible isn't a science book nor does it claim to be and while many have tried to reconcile the two, like Augustine and others, you have to interpret things accordingly.

    If you want FACTS on some super divine influence on the bible, soemthing that will PROVE that God TOLD them WHAT to writr as opposed tp them wrting what they were inspired to write about, I don't think you wil find any because I don't think the writers thought they had to PROVE it.

  • Terry

    Stop and think about the Bible for a moment.

    Is it God speaking to all of us?

    Is there a pointed message?

    Is there a bulletin?

    When people open the Bible for the first time what do they find?

    It starts off with a kind of fairy tale with talking animals and floods and plagues of blood in the Nile but just simpers out into long laundry lists of people begatting and wandering around in the wilderness and fighting and more lists of Do's and Don'ts.

    It is a muddle. A shapeless hulk of disorganized desktop junk files.

    By the time you get to Jesus you don't just get the story. You get it FOUR TIMES! The Gospel "message" is like four drafts for a plodding Term Theme paper gone awry. John's version of Jesus is like it is from another planet! Mark gave us a human Jesus who was troubled and scared while John gives us Super-Jesus all divine and spooky who gives long explanatory speeches.

    Then, this Pharisee gangster Christian hunter (like Quentin Tarantino's Jew Hunter) starts writing letters explicating a complicated Treatise on Theology because Jesus blinded him and gave him more super-knowledge than all the 12 Apostles put together.

    People quote conversations they weren't even there to hear!

    (Who was eaves-dropping on Jesus prayer to his Father in the garden of Gethsemene, for example? All the disciples were SLEEPING, for crying out loud!)

    The last book, Revelation, is Stephen King meets Freddy Kruger!

    Then, to top it all off---the original autograph manuscripts conveniently DISAPPEAR forever! Not a single one of them exists!

    A couple of hundred years later some re-re-re-copies fragments start showing up and we are supposed to swallow it whole that THEY ARE DIVINELY PRESERVED accurate communications from God????

    Give me a huge break, will you?

    The confused, muddled argument which is Christianity (nobody agrees with each other) amounts to a stinky hill of beans. Everybody looks at their translation of this "bible" and comes away with a contradictory theology that makes the other guys ALL WRONG.

    What a waste of time!!

    There are no FACTs in the bible because there was no data of any value available to the storytellers beyond their own imaginative fictional workmanship involved!

    The Bible is a FRAUD and you cannot argue a point worth debate based on any of its contents.

    Obsessive compulsive nerds with a personal agenda waste their time and yours pretending it is of Universal importance.

    I say: HUMBUG!!

  • PSacramento
    The Bible is a FRAUD and you cannot argue a point worth debate based on any of its contents.

    An opinion held by many and in many ways, quite justified.

  • Terry

    It should be a newspaper headline, actually. Even the hardcore inerrantists only assert it was the ORIGINAL manuscripts that were inspired. Since there ARE NO ORIGINALS you might wonder why they bother!


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