A term that put me in my cult mind set...but only for a second

by doublelife 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • doublelife

    I was just hanging up my husband's shirts and started on the section where he had his dress shirts. But what I thought in my head was "meeting shirts." And I quickly realized that I have to start saying "dress shirts" instead. Just another term I'd never thought of before as putting me in my cult mind set. It made we wonder something though. Did anybody else ever refer to their dress clothes as meeting clothes or is it just me?

  • yknot


    Meeting clothes and meeting shoes.....

    Wow that does sound strange as it rolls off my tongue and yet that is all I have ever called them!

    I don't think until this very moment I have ever thought about calling those types of clothes 'dress'.......ever!

    I do believe you have led me to my next de-culting task!

  • Confucious


    This is a great thread.

    I forgot about those terms... "Meeting Clothes."

    I remember having "Meeting Shirts" and "Field Service Shirts."

    The difference between the two, is that the Field Service Shirts were made of cotton (vs. that Polyester blend.)

    Good times... good times...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yup. Meeting clothes and play clothes. Never dress or street clothes.

  • dig692

    Oh my gosh yes, meeting clothes! I separate my clothes into meeting clothes and meeting shoes, and my husband's shirts are meeting shirts, work shirts, and "other".

    Yeah I need to put an end to that asap!

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Yes...I understand that one! Remember the old joke..how to tell a jehovah's witness? Only window cleaner with five suits in the wardrobe!

    The first thing my husband did after we left was bundle all his suits and ties into a black sack and give them to charity. I think now about those crazy days when we would get home from work change into field service clothes, then drive home for lunch and change into meeting clothes. Then sometimes home after the meeting and change again into work clothes....so idiotic.

    I used to wonder what our neighbours thought, we must have come across as soooooooo weird!

  • pixiesticks

    Yup! Always.
    It was always, "Oh, that's nice because it's neat enough to wear to the meeting", so it'd become part of my 'meeting clothes' collection. When I was younger and I'd sleep over at Witness friends' homes on a Saturday Mum would say, "Don't forget your meeting clothes!". It's something you don't even think about! I still think of certain items I own as 'meeting clothes'. >___<

  • babygirl30

    In all honesty, I have a hard time even THINKING about buying 'dresses' because in my head I still have that mentality that dresses = Kingdom Hall!! It's weird too...but that's how it goes in my mind. If i do buy a dress, I will purposely buy one without measuring how 'short' it is, or how high the slit is (within respectable levels at least), and then of course no worry about how 'fitted' it may be!!!!! hhahahahahaha

  • cantleave

    We went round Marks and Spencers today and Nugget made the point that normally we would be looking for "Memorial Outfits" at this time of year.

  • garyneal

    Not me personally, but definately my daughter is catching on to it. She has her regular shoes and her 'kingo hall' shoes, her regular clothes and her 'kingo hall' clothes. I am trying to break that by telling her that people dress up in 'formal' clothes to some churches, weddings, funerals, and of course the kingdom hall.

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