Assembly/Convention Rules

by IMHO 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    "I have been out for over 30 years, so this hyper-rule-law structure for the circuit assembly is just about as unbelievable to me as the United Nations NGO, the new teaching of Generation, or the constant beat-down about obeying the FDS.

    Yup...we saved seats, ran the halls, moved around outside the building and generaly blew the rules off, what rules they had that is...30 years....long time....

  • Bangalore



  • EmptyInside

    Now,they even give rules for after the convention. They want families to stay in their convention clothes,wear their name tags,when they go out to dinner.

  • palmtree67

    My favourite was the year they papered over all the mirrors in the ladies bathrooms to keep us all from getting too haughty.

    Yep, there's nothing like a 2-block-long hike across a parking lot, trying to carry kids, bags, lunchboxes, ............with a prairie wind blowing your skirt over your head.............. and getting into the building with your hair all over the place and your sweater has pulled your blouse over enough to show your bra straps, and you CAN'T CHECK YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR TO SEE IF YOU ARE MEETING THEIR STANDARDS OF DECENCY!!

  • d

    I never really could understand all their stupid rules.

  • dinah

    OH! And don't forget the ass-emblies are the only place we could "husband shop" Better look good for that loser, ugly bastard that stayed in the religion. All the cute ones didn't even let the door hit them in the ass when they turned 18.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    palmtree67 and dinah -- so, so true!!

  • punkofnice

    Don't go out of the arena (where apostates and worldly people lurk).

    Don't eat lunch at a cafe etc outside the arena.

    No independant thought.

    However, you can take notes of the innane drivvel known as talks which are again, more rules and regulations bolstered by out of context scriptures from the Not Worthspit Translation.

  • nugget

    When you go to a rock concert you get a few commonsense rules printed on the back of your ticket and enthusiastic fans manage to get there and back without getting into trouble. Yet witnesses who are God's people cannot get there and back and manage their affairs whilst in attendance without a constant set of rules and reminders. My favourite was the smug attendants with their keep moving signs standing at the bottom of the steps during lunchtimes, what a total waste of time and effort.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    smug attendants with their keep moving signs standing at the bottom of the steps during lunchtimes, what a total waste of time and effort.

    No way, nugget! This was a critical job requiring extensive spiritual training! Just ask any attendent.

    Serving up hot plates of justice.

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