if 1000 years =1 day to God the:

by rekless 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    Jesus only was away from God for 33 minutes.

    I would let my children suffer like jesus if I knew they would be with me for the rest of eternity.

  • RunningMan

    I think you have the unit conversion wrong. One day is actually 7,000
    years. No, wait, I believe the formula is "a day for a year". And how long
    are his years - 360 days or 365 days? Or is a day possibly just a long,
    but indeterminate period? On the other hand, it could be just a day.

  • rekless

    I guess you just have to pick a conversion table that proves what you want to prove, Isn't that what the GB do, or is it does? Is the Gb singular or plural? Damn if it isn't math it is sentence structure. Some days you just can't win...then I would still sacrifice 33 minutes for eternity.

    thanks I'm sure you are correct.

  • kes152

    Well, 1000 years does NOT equal 1 day. There is no scripture that says 1000 years equals one day... hence the logic is flawed.

    Have you forgotten that in the spirit realm they are NOT bound by time like we are? Hence they can talk and do things instantaneously. The whole revelation can be completed in 11 earth mins.

    Peace to you,

  • Moxy

    your math kinda sucks too

  • _alf_


  • Tatiana

    Well, however long a day is to God, seems to me He would have taken into consideration that WE ARE bound by time. Therefore our thousands and thousands of years of suffering, dying, murder, starvation, genocide, infanticide, and otherwise pure hell on earth, shouldn't seem so trivial to Him.

    Sorry..having a bad day.

    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Hmmm
    Well, 1000 years does NOT equal 1 day. There is no scripture that says 1000 years equals one day... hence the logic is flawed.

    Have you forgotten that in the spirit realm they are NOT bound by time like we are? Hence they can talk and do things instantaneously. The whole revelation can be completed in 11 earth mins.

    You're correct. It has been proven scripturally that the spirit realm is akin to a plasma universe. Our intrusion in that realm would cause an imbalance of neutrinos (galactic mass between parrallel universes becoming unequal) and would open a hole for Species 8472 to invade our universe of n-dimensional space. This might not be a bad thing, however, since Species 8472 gives the bOrg fits.

    Reversing the polarity of the Heisenberg Discombobulator will allow us to remain phase-shifted for an extended period of time (thus prolonging the 1914 Generation). In such a confluence of events, it could indeed be said that "the entire revolution" around the galaxy could take 11 Terran minutes.

    Thank you for your input.

  • dirty larry
  • DIM

    if a 1000 years is a day according to God, and according to the WTS, we have been living in the last days (plural!) since 1914, then there is at least about 1900 more years in this system. hahahaha...

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

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