How did you feel when they let a 10 year old boy stand up on the podium and a sister couldn't ?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal

    I always thought this was pretty sick even though it might have been cute to see how well a little boy could read.

    This religion wants to hold women down because these men are unsure of their masculinity plain and simple. If you look at the scripture about the capable wife you see all the things she was involved in. She supervised servants and property and ordered supplies, etc. She was a capable businesswoman and she was held up as a prize and compared to a jewel.

    Apparently, men back in the bible time (at least the Jews) were secure in their masculinity and were not threatened because the opposite sex had a god-given brain. This is in sharp contrast to the sorry specimens in the religion and even the world today who are threatened by the slightest inkling of intelligence or capability in a female. This is really too bad and they have my condolences. Sorry, if anybody is insulted by this but I always was dumbfounded that a man could be threatened by women. Many years ago I had this conversation with a professional person in the JW religion and was told that the 'industrial revolution' was the downfall of everything, etc. and men's relationships with women. I explained that this was not my problem and I am going to be who I AM regardless!

  • JWinprotest

    After meetings, my 4 year old daughter used to like going in the second school, get up on the podium with a chair and pretend she was giving a talk while I sat in as the audience. This was when I was giving talks and she was trying to imitate me.

    Well one day, the PO comes in and says "sweetie, what are you doing?" with a fake chuckle. My daughter replies that she's giving a talk. The PO looks at me, as if to say, why aren't you keeping your daughter in line. You have to nip this spirit of independance in the bud.

    He then gives us that creepy chuckle again while telling my daughter that she should be giving her talk from the table next to the podium instead.....what a jackass!!

  • superpunk

    As ridiculous as it is, these are the types of regulations you get when basing a religion on a centuries-old mysoginistic text.

    Paul desired the women to be silent in church - and JWs view the bible as the infallible/inerrant. I suppose, given that, female JWs are lucky they get to talk at all during the meetings.

  • sweet

    i think its pretty cool...for one thing females in the congregation should be grateful that they actually get to do anything in the congregation besides just sitting in the meetings...i'm a female myself and i'm very grateful that females get to participate in the congregation...that they get to voice their experiences out in their part of the service...that they get to have parts in the have to remember females are a part of God's Army...that we are quite a large army as other religions that ive seen ive seen only males go up and talk to the audience...not even females participating out in audience or even going up and give a presentation...

  • dissed

    When in, I found it would be hard to picture a sister, in a dress, instructing the congregation from the platform. Now if she was wearing a suit and tie, then that would be different, it would look right. jk

    I will say this. I've talked to many a CO's wife that didn't understand this while their husbands sat next to them saying nothing to correct them.

    It was obviously Pauls ancient cultural opinion on how the congregation should be run. But if the WTS acknowledged that, then it wouldn't be the infallible word of God, no?

    What a waste of talent because of the WT bigotry toward women, and all to their harm.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    So, Sweet, you support men being treated vastly different than women? You think it's fair that men can do women's stuff and do more men's stuff in the congregation? You really think that's fair? I felt it was very stupid to have a teenage boy lead a room full of older sisters out in field service. Don't you think that is imbalanced, too? Have you actually gone to a church service? In every service that I've gone to (Catholic church, Baptist church, Assembly of God church) there are women included in on the teaching. They are facing the audience and leading them in prayer, song, scripture readings, and other things. They aren't perfectly equal to the men but they are much much closer to equal in a church than in a khall.

  • ninja

    our hall was so strict on the sisters standing on the platform

    we had a stretcher at the side of the hall for sisters to be be carted to their chairs

    if they put one foot down on the floor they got a public reproof......

    also......they had to cover the microphone with some gauze every time a sister wanted to answer as they didn't want to desecrate it with female

    spittle.....good idea.......only downside was the watchtower study was twice as long as usual.....(BUT WORTH IT was the general consensus)

    or....all the above may just be the ramblings of a madman

  • sweet

    what exactly do u mean do i think its fair that men can do women stuff and do more men stuff in the congregation?? not following you on that please explain...i dont think it's imbalanced if the teenage boy is leading a roomful of older sisters, if the boy is qualified to do that regardless of his age and is baptized brother in good standing, regardless of race, age, etc...etc..i see nothing wrong with that. regardless of age and sex and race and other prejudices we all can learn things from other people. whether the old is learning something new from the young ones in which ive seen that happen and i learn things alot from young ones as well regardless of my religion. the young male leading older sisters again i see nothing imbalanced with a different reason as well because how else is a young one going to learn how to do things like that? its practice for the young man to do when he gets older..

    and yes have i actually gone to a church service??? yes i have to many of these and all i seen were females silent while listening to the male speaker, the only thing the females partook in were singing songs from the songbook. and the rest of the churchgoers both male and female just sat there listening to speaker, again not partaking in comments...some i been to the churchgoers didnt even sing from songbooks either they just listened to the "qualified" singers onstage.

    wow the microphones with gauze so it wont be desecrated with female...never been to a kingdom hall where that happened and ive been to many kingdom halls as well...never been to a kingdom hall where they had stretchers either in fact never been to a kingdom hall where they were strict on things or had the males feel so darn superior to the females but i only been in kingdom halls within the "bible belt" of the usa.

  • iknowall558
  • blondie

    I used to wonder why an unbaptized 10 year old boy could sit by the school overseer and do the timing but a sister could not?

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