Finished Ex-Jehovah's Witness Survey (Please fill out for help with project)...

by Tuesday 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    A Quick bttt for those who might not have seen this thread.

  • Tuesday

    One last bttt for anyone who hasn't seen the survey.

  • DazedAndConfused

    Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey

    A.) Name: (First name only please)


    B.) Gender


    C.) Age:



    1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Parents/Grandparents/Relatives converted when you were young and taught you

    2.) How did you leave the religion:

    Disfellowshipped; Then reinstated.

    Faded Away (slowly missed more and more meetings until you stopped going completely) This was the end for me.

    3.) What Age did you leave?


    4.) Were you Baptized


    5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:

    Other (Explain: _________I felt we needed to spend more time on how WE need to live our lives's and not worry about others; ie. What the Catholics do.)

    How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:

    Believed there were more things right than wrong

    7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?


    8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?

    I sinned because I thought the doctrine was wrong as an easy way out

    9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:

    I did not think they were a cult at all

    10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?


    11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?

    The religion is like any other religion out there it has right and wrong in it

    12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:

    There are many problems which far outweigh the good

    13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:

    They are misguided people and I feel sorry for them

    14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:

    Yes they are definitely a cult

    15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :

    They're intelligent but purposely deny facts for their religion

    16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?

    I think I’m much happier now that I’m gone

    17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?

    I do a few things they would not agree with

    18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:

    Tell them I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and feel they’re wrong

    19.) Would you consider returning?

    If I ever see another Kingdom Hall it would be too soon

    20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:

    It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up


  • Heaven

    Isaacaustin, did you read Dinah's comment? She also thought you were older! That makes three of us girls at least! Funny, isn't it? Your avatar is no doubt to blame.

    It's part of my reasoning but mostly it is the way in which Isaac presents himself. His words and style speak of a wisdom that comes with age. Of course experience can also impart wisdom to us which shows that age is not always THE factor.

  • Quentin


  • Quillsky


    A.) Name: Can't say, so call me Betty

    B.) Gender


    C.) Age:


    1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Parents/Grandparents/Relatives converted when you were young and taught you

    2.) How did you leave the religion:

    Stopped attending all at once

    3.) What Age did you leave?


    4.) Were you Baptized


    5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:

    Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachings, disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.

    Other (Explain: Didn't believe anyone had the right to control my life in such a highly structured way. Resented being raised in an apocalyptic/end-times/non-mainstream religion)

    6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:

    Believed there were more things wrong than right

    7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?


    8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?


    9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:

    I saw many similarities between the religion and a cult

    10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?


    11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?

    They might have one or two teachings that are still right if I strain hard enough to think about it

    12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:

    They are evil - the leadership, not the followers

    13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:

    They are misguided people and I feel sorry for them

    14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:

    They have most of the qualities of a cult

    15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :

    None of the responses mentioned. They mirror the average intelligence of the population, but are either brainwashed or caught up in binding social and family situations, or both.

    16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?

    I’m much happier now that I’m gone

    17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?

    I do quite a few things they would not agree with

    18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:

    Tell them I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and know they’re wrong

    19.) Would you consider returning?

    If I ever see another Kingdom Hall it would be too soon. A parent's funeral would be my only exception, and even then it would make me feel ill to listen to the infomercial.

    20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:

    I dislike talking about my upbringing strongly but will if absolutely necessary

    [Some options are flawed, for example assuming that every ex was raised as a JW. But look forward to seeing the results!!!]

  • HRH

    Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey

    A.) Name: Heather

    B.) Gender


    C.) Age:


    1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Parents/Grandparents/Relatives were in before you were born and taught you

    2.) How did you leave the religion:


    3.) What Age did you leave?


    4.) Were you Baptized


    5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:

    Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachings, disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.

    Felt the elders or organization abused their power, felt they took presidence over God, Problem with the way they organized the religion

    Other (Explain: ___Did research...thought it was a cult.____________________________________________________________)

    6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:

    Believed everything said was correct

    7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?


    8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?


    9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:

    I felt the religion was definitely a cult

    10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?


    11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?

    The religion is like any other religion out there it has right and wrong in it

    12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:

    They are evil

    13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:

    They are misguided people and I feel sorry for them

    14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:

    They have most of the qualities of a cult

    15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :

    They're intelligent but purposely deny facts for their religion

    16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?

    I think every day about how happy I am to have left

    17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?

    They would not agree with anything I do now

    18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:

    Give them a simple Not Interested

    19.) Would you consider returning?

    When hell freezes over

    20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:

    It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up



  • sd-7

    Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey


    A.) Name: Christopher

    B.) Gender



    C.) Age:











    65 +


    1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Parents/Grandparents/Relatives were in before you were born and taught you

    Parents/Grandparents/Relatives converted when you were young and taught you

    Converted early in life (Teenage or earlier)

    Converted in your 20's

    Converted in your 30's

    Converted later in life

    2.) How did you leave the religion:



    Faded Away (slowly missed more and more meetings until you stopped going completely)

    Stopped attending all at once

    3.) What Age did you leave?











    65 +

    4.) Were you Baptized



    5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:

    Left for a boyfriend/girlfriend in the world, Fornicated with man/woman, General Fornication

    Was involved with Drugs/Drinking

    Wanted more Freedom (play school sports, date who you wanted, listen to music, etc.)

    Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachings


    disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.

    Felt the elders or organization abused their power, felt they took presidence over God, Problem with the way they organized the religion

    Left because of the people (saw too much hypocracy, too much gossip, passed over for some leadership role, was treated badly by those in the hall.)

    Depressed, Didn’t feel like doing all the things required of you, felt oppressed by the rules.

    Was abused physically, emotionally or sexually by someone in the hall and it was covered up.

    Rebelling against parents rules

    Other (Explain: _______________________________________________________________)

    6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:

    Believed everything said was correct

    Believed there were more things right than wrong

    Believed there we more things wrong than right

    Believed everything was wrong

    Didn’t think about the doctrine

    7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?



    8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?

    I sinned because I thought the doctrine was wrong as an easy way out

    My feelings on the doctrine strongly effected my willingness to sin to get out

    My feelings on the doctrine somewhat effected my willingness to sin

    I sinned because I wanted to and doctrine had nothing to do with it


    9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:

    I did not think they were a cult at all

    I saw a few similarities between the religion and a cult

    I saw many similarities between the religion and a cult

    I felt the religion was a cult by definition but a good religion which it didn’t apply

    I felt the religion was definitely a cult

    10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?



    11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?

    I still feel the religion is the truth,

    The religion has some problems but only due to human imperfection,

    The religion has some problems with it’s teachings

    The religion has many problems with what it teaches

    The religion is like any other religion out there it has right and wrong in it

    The religion has a problem with nearly every teaching

    They might have one or two teachings that are still right if I strain hard enough to think about it

    They are totally wrong

    12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:

    They're God's channel

    They might have a couple of problems

    They have some problems but far more good than bad

    There are many problems but they slightly outweigh the bad

    There are many problems which slightly outweigh the good

    There are many problems which far outweigh the good

    They are no different than any other religion they have good and bad

    They are Totally wrong

    They are evil

    13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:

    They're God's chosen people

    They are mostly good people

    They are good people with a few bad apples

    They have more good people than bad people

    They have more bad people than good people

    They are mostly bad people

    They are filled with liars and hypocrites

    They are no different than any other religion, they have good and bad

    They are misguided people and I feel sorry for them

    They are evil.

    14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:

    Yes they are definitely a cult

    They have most of the qualities of a cult

    They have some of the qualities of a cult

    They have a couple of the qualities of a cult

    They have some similarities to cults but they’re good so I don’t consider them a cult

    All religions are cults so why would they be any different.

    They are not a cult

    15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :

    They're very intelligent they are the only people on Earth who found the truth

    They're somewhat intelligent

    They’re intelligent about biblical things but not so much in other things

    They're intelligent but purposely deny facts for their religion

    They are like idiot savants with the bible

    They're not very intelligent

    They're complete morons

    16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?

    I think every day about how happy I am to have left

    I think I’m much happier now that I’m gone

    I think I’m somewhat happier now that I’m gone

    I’m slightly happier now that I’m gone

    I’m not happier now that I’m gone

    I was much happier as a Jehovah’s Witness

    I’m miserable now and wish I could return to turn around my life.

    17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?

    They would agree with everything in my life

    I do a few things they would not agree with

    I do quite a few things they would not agree with

    They would not agree with anything I do now

    18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:

    Oh God, run away as fast as possible

    Tell them I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and feel they’re wrong

    Shatter their faith, what else would I do?

    Discuss in detail all the wrong things in their religion

    Give them a simple Not Interested

    Discuss their religion with them and take whatever they want to place, I remember being like that

    Tell them that I feel their religion is mostly right but not right for me

    Ask them for a bible study

    19.) Would you consider returning?

    I plan to return one day

    I wish I could return

    It’s more than likely I’ll return

    It’s fifty/fifty that I will return

    It’s possible I could return

    It’s not very likely I’ll return but I don’t rule out anything

    It’s nearly impossible I’ll return but I guess anything’s possible

    When hell freezes over

    If I ever see another Kingdom Hall it would be too soon

    20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:

    I Hate talking about my time as a Jehovah's Witness and will avoid the subject whenever possible

    I dislike talking about my upbringing strongly but will if absolutely necessary

    I dislike talking about my upbringing but will if prompted enough

    It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up

    I bring it up occasionally

    I’ll only talk about it with certain people who understand the circumstances

    I bring it up frequently

    I talk about it constantly

    Some Say I’m obsessed

  • out4good3
    Post 352 of 365
    Since 7/31/2009

    A.) Name: Withheld

    B.) Gender

    C.) Age:



    1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Converted in 20's. Baptised in 1989 at the age of 25.

    2.) How did you leave the religion:

    Stopped attending all at once

    3.) What Age did you leave?


    4.) Were you Baptized

    5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:

    Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachingsFelt the elders or organization abused their power, felt they took presidence over God, Problem with the way they organized the religion


    disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.

    (saw too much hypocracy, too much gossip,

    felt oppressed by the rules.

    6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:

    Didn't think about the doctrine

    7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?


    8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?


    9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:

    10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?

    11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?

    They might have one or two teachings that are still right if I strain hard enough to think about it

    12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:

    13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:

    14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:

    All religions are cults so why would they be any different.

    15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :

    16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?

    I think every day about how happy I am to have left

    17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?

    I don't give a shit what they think or agree with.

    18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:

    Give them a simple Not Interested

    19.) Would you consider returning?

    I it is impossible for it to get that cold in hell.

    20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:

    I’ll only talk about it with certain people who understand the circumstances

    They're intelligent but purposely deny facts for their religion

    They are misguided people and I feel sorry for them

    There are many problems which far outweigh the good


    I saw many similarities between the religion and a cult



    Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey


  • chrisjoel

    Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey


    A.) Name: Frank

    B.) Gender



    C.) Age:



    1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Parents/Grandparents/Relatives were in before you were born and taught you

    2.) How did you leave the religion:


    3.) What Age did you leave?


    4.) Were you Baptized


    5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:

    Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachings, disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.

    Other (Explain: _______________________________________________________________)

    6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:

    Believed everything said was correct

    7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?


    8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?

    Not DFd for sin

    9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:

    I saw a few similarities between the religion and a cult

    10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?


    11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?

    They are totally wrong

    12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:

    They are Totally wrong

    13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:

    They are mostly good people

    14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:

    All religions are cults so why would they be any different.

    15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :

    They're not very intelligent

    16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?

    I think I’m much happier now that I’m gone

    17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?

    I do a few things they would not agree with

    18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:

    Shatter their faith, what else would I do?

    19.) Would you consider returning?

    If I ever see another Kingdom Hall it would be too soon

    20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:

    It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up

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