Did you know anyone on disability who pioneered?

by lepermessiah 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I knew one lady who was a legitimate paranoid schizophrenic. Worse, she was very odd in appearance. She had nervous habits of swaying and pacing and talking without taking a breath until she finished the entire thought. Anyway, she pioneered. She could do the time and offer the WT literature and walk the territory, so she pioneered. The state found out that she involved herself in a 90-hours-per-month activity and told her that she could be placed in work if that was the case. They knew she couldn't do just any job, but they would find something. She freaked out. She could not imagine going to work everyday. She wanted to come off the pioneer list and still do 89-hours-per-month, so that she would not be considered a pioneer.

    I told her to consider working with the state. They were trying to help her and provided her income. It would be okay not to pioneer, but it would not be okay to lose income. "If Jehovah wants you to feel productive, there's nothing wrong with being productive in providing for yourself." She disagreed and did it her way. She told the state her condition was getting worse and she could no longer pioneer. Somehow, she managed to do her 89 hours and remained on disability for a few more years. Then she killed herself.

  • oldflame


    I could not agree with you more. I am on disability and I can do some light things at times but not to often. I have a busted back lets say, and actually it is worse than that !

    I have known others who were on disability for things like not knowing how to read or write. Yes that's right, instead of teaching this person how to read and write they pay him a check each month. I disagree with this totally. I knew someone who played the game and pretended to be a 51/50 and got disability. It is corrupt just like the government. It's no wonder our government is broke !

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