Did you know anyone on disability who pioneered?

by lepermessiah 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    Another thread got me thinking about this:

    In the area I live in, its not uncommon for people to be "ill" enough not to be able to hold a job, but they still regular pioneer.

    When I was younger, someone tried to hook me up with this girl.

    I called her and we chatted for a while. I asked her what she did for work - "Oh, well I am a pioneer"

    OK - what do you do to support yourself - "Well, I am on disability and cant work."

    I wanted to ask - Hmm...so you are unable to work secularly, but you can go out in the ministry every day? Walking all over the place, riding in cars seated a good part of the time? Isnt that more taxing that being seated at a desk?

    Instead I asked - "Do you expect to be able to work anytime soon?"

    Answer - "I doubt it, I want to remain a pioneer."

    The conversation lasted about another 30 seconds..................LOL

    I personally found it very offensive to collect money from the government for disability and be able to go out in the ministry all day, which can be physically taxing in itself.

    There are people who do need it and have legitimate circumstances, but I have seen people abuse it, and then justify it by "Pioneering"

    I wanted to tell her "Go get a freaking job" so bad!!

  • semelcred

    I ve known many pioneers and even elders who are on disability benefit and abuse the welfare system. They do it because its for a righteous reason! The elder who was on disability because of a back that meant he could not work allowed him to keep a full size allotment and get enough golf practice to be able to win the little tournament the bro's in the cong organized every year. The state paid for his 4 bedroom house and the motorbility scheme allowed him a 7 seater car. Although on benefits he ended up with 6 kids! not bad for a man with a bad back???? A yet he was not the worst offender in the cong at the scams!!

  • shopaholic

    Yes, I know of several and it has always irritated me. These very same people do all types of physical activity on a regular basis in addition to pioneering but can't work. I even know a few that live out-of-state and collect disability in a different state.

    I've actually been tempted to report several of them especially when those of us that work are asked to pay for their meals, entertainment, etc.

    Can you say...scam?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Although morally and ethically wrong, if it accomplishes a righteous cause (WTS agenda) it will not be an issue. Lot's of people in society from all religions are scamming the system. JW's as a group probably rank pretty low.

    Think About It

  • LongHairGal

    I am sorry to say that I do and I have told this person that they have no business doing so.

    I will add that I am very aware that people with legitimate reasons are entitled to disability and I do not begrudge them. However, I feel that the manual labor that many in the religion do seems to lend itself to them getting a bad back, etc., also add that many of them are depressed. It was also my observation that some of them never really wanted to be part of the workforce in the first place because they supposedly 'can't hack it'.

    To add icing to the cake they are in a religion that tells them they must preach, preach, preach. So, what you have is a perfect recipe for people who are collecting benefits (whether they are genuinely entitled to them or not) as well as doing pioneering - which they have no business doing if they are supposedly 'disabled'. Anybody well enough to pioneer is well enough to hold a job somewhere.

  • minimus

    Yes. We the taxpayers supported those who used the system.

  • shopaholic

    If you're over 50 and collect disability but appear healthy, I'll cut you some slack. But if you are in your 20s or 30s, run marathons, in a basketball or volleyball league, paint houses on the side...no excuse. I've confronted a few people and like someone else mentioned they justify it because it allows them to pioneer. They've asked me who am I to question their doctor...which kind of shut me up. Thats when I wanted to start calling and report folks.

    Whats worse is that most JWs see NOTHING wrong with it.

  • ShirleyW

    Shopalic Not only did I consider reporting someone, but I actually did !! My mothers friend who relocated to W. Virginia came up to visit and told my mother that she and her sister were pioneering, she also shared that at that time she was on disability from her job. I did contact the appropriate office in her state and reported her and all I had was her phone number but they found her and invistigated, however, her disability had stopped by the time I reported it. DAMN . . was so hoping they would've made her pay back the state for all she bilked them for !!

  • shamus100

    I know in Canada that anyone who is on Employment Insurance or social assistance is not eligible to pioneer, at least it was at our congregation.

    Having said that, people on LTD did piosneer, and yes, it was disgusting.

    Shirley, good for you for reporting them. We have ways to report up here, too, (1800 numbers), so maybe that's why they have such a stance in our country. (bad publicity)

  • JWdaughter

    We had more than a few of those in my congregation, both disability and welfare cases. We also had a gentleman who was disabled, had six kids and worked all kinds of side jobs(cause he couldn't get a real one, for real) and had some partial assistance. He was actually in a wheelchair and accepted less 'assistance' than many who were entirely mobile. His wife worked part time (had little tiny kids) and they did ok for themselves with mostly the work he was able to get and the medical assistance, but were never rich. It annoyed me to see the one whose husband was on the stand talking about how the system was there for us to use if we 'needed' it, when you know good and well that his wife did not need it. gag me.

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