I Wish People Would Stop Calling It The Truth

by Quillsky 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    It takes awhile to drop it. Sometimes it is just knowing what else to call IT....The Lie?

  • villabolo

    I got disfellowshipped for suggesting to the elders that they should not use that phrase out of humility. That broke my habit.


  • cry

    I always call it 'The False'.

  • moshe

    For many years before I left, I never spoke of it as the truth, - subconsciously, I guess knew better.

    I once asked a group of JW's at a Red Lobster, if they knew what an oxymoron was- one sister , said with a grin, You mean like, "a jumbo shrimp cocktail?" yes, and I have a better one, it's called ," Jehovah's Witness Truth"- they were all scowling as I left their table.

  • Scully

    I use the ™ symbol in my posts to denote JW jargon, i.e., The Truth™, Brother™, Sister™, Elder™, etc.

  • musky

    "The dozens of millions of people who died at the hands of his followers over the centuries would beg to differ."

    Well,I may be wrong,but you don't accept much of the bible as being true?We once had a common ground in thinking that the Watchtower was delivering God's truth.From birth until I was in my twenties I believed the Watchtower did have the "truth".I feel like I was fooled all those years.Like a mean trick.But I still need to believe that there is something more to this life than just dying.I sometimes struggle with the idea that God should be loving only, and never cause or allow any pain or death.

    The "truth".

    That saying bothers me when it is applied to imperfect men who keep telling us that the light keeps getting brighter and brighter.

  • miseryloveselders

    Musky: That saying bothers me when it is applied to imperfect men who keep telling us that the light keeps getting brighter and brighter.

    Thats one of my biggest beefs too. Something is either right, or its wrong. Its either true or its false. Men for centuries believed the earth to be flat. They held that to be truth. Eventually they had to discard that way of thinking. The light got brighter, but it doesnt mean that what they believed previously was any less wrong. The WT has changed the Generation teaching three times, had crazy teachings on Aluminum, organ transplants, blood transfusions, the Revelation book had to be revised. Many publications had to be entirely discarded. The CD Rom has omitted a few decades worth of history so as to hide the WTS past. From what former Bethelites have stated, the library there has a section that only certain ones are permitted access to because what can be found there might cause confusion. Truth.....what a joke.

  • AGuest
    it makes my skin itch

    It turns my stomach, dear Quillsky (and may you have peace!). As does their wormwood-y (i.e., lying, poisonous and, therefore, death-dealing) propagandic publications, the WT and AW. I haven't been able to stomach either of those for quite some time (i.e., since at least 1998). I can read excerpts here on the forum, but when a dear one asks me to read something directly from those rags (i.e., "Hey, did you see what they said about...? Here, read this!"), I simply can't do it. Literally makes me feel nauseated and head-achy... as it does when I hear them referred to as "the truth." Almost like a slap in my Lord's face.

    And so I haven't used that term with regard to them... or read one of their magazines... in over a decade.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA (who's starting to feel "hurl-ish"... even now)


  • leec

    But even better, I hear "the accurate truth" ... as if truth needs to be qualified. It almost seems like an unintentional confession of it not being truth in the first place.

  • freewilly01


    T = toxic

    R = ramblings

    U = unachievable

    T = tauntingly

    H = hateful

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