Elders who step down for little or no reason?

by Truthexplorer 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truthexplorer

    Within the past decade, two elders stepped down in my old Congregation. Actually one was taken off for commiting adultery and therefore reproved, but the other one simply stepped down for no apparent reason. Also, in another Congregation I used to attend for a short time, I was shocked to hear of another elder stepping down, again for no apparent reason.

    I am wondering if there has been an increase in the number of elders stepping down for no obvious reason and to see if this is a worrying trend causing alarm for the society.

    I am thinking the past 10 years, particularly with the internet being available to so many people around the world today; but have you experienced many elders stepping down in your Congregation or past Congregation? Were you shocked when you heard that Bro so and so stepped down?

    It would be interesting to see the response.


  • VoidEater

    It was rare when I was associated. I think my dad is the only one I can remember stepping down. It caused a flurry.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Even the best shit shoveller gets tied of shovelling the same shit after awhile.

    I couldn't take it no more. By stepping down I didn't have to be knee deep in the shit anymore. Nor give talks and meetings parts, etc. Felt like a great weight was taken off my shoulders. Within a month was into a full fledged fade never to return again.

    Think About It

  • monkeyman

    Truth....................First of all there's a BIG difference between stepping down and being removed for Adultery.

    Rarely do elders "step down" for little or no reason. Stepping down is most times an "out" for elders who are being railroaded or being prepared to be removed.

    They are given a chance to save face by "stepping down" as tho there demotion was for little or no reason. There winds up being little shame in stepping down.

    However, to be "removed" indicates that there was something really bad going on and the guy deserved to lose all his priviledges and standing because he no longer scripturally qualifies.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I never knew one to step aside for no reason. They always gave reason. Some reasons were light, but always something.

    Now, there were some that moved and were asked to serve in the new cong. as an elder, but would say "No, thanks." Sometimes, they said their reasons were personal.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I suspect that was true a while ago. My ex-husband stepped down because he knew I was going to talk about his abuse of me and our daughters. Regretably I set up a situation where he could save face. (gawd I was such a sap)

    Now, from what we read here it looks like more and more elders are just getting tired of foillowing orders against their better judgement. I am no longer surprised when an ex-elder shows up here trying to do the fade.

  • monkeyman

    LL........................Maybe so. And BTW, I'm sorry for your situation. I dont think theres anything worse than growing up in an environment where you hear all kinds of good things at the meeting and then go home and see the opposite for the rest of the week.

    I have family that grew up in that environment. Only difference was daddy wasn't an elder. That's screwed up.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well the good thing was that my daughters and I walked out and never went back

  • flipper

    Elders who step down for little or no reason ? Smart elders

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    No reason? How about doing hours of thankless work, spending much if not all of your spare time on cong matters, listening to countless hours of griping and bitching, ect. Plenty of reasons to me.

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