Is the Yellowstone caldera safe? You decide...

by Nathan Natas 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    Can't they just drill down , with a really small bit, and let some of the pressure off ?

    Only joking. it is a pity, it was one of the places I wanted to visit one day, but Mrs Wobble, being of a wimpy disposition, probably won't go there.

    I mean, at least we would go together, and probably with a bang, why should she avoid it ?



  • slimboyfat
    Is the Yellowstone caldera safe? You decide...

    Why should I decide? You sound like someone who has watched too much Fox News.

    I don't have the expertise to "decide" whether the Yellowstone caldera is safe, and a news article certainly isn't enough on which to base an informed view. Is it even something anyone can "decide" anyway? According to what sort of health and safety regulations are we meant to measuring the relative "safety" of the caldera? And supposing we decide it is unsafe, just what do you want us to do about it? Put a hazard sign round it; send in the regulators so that the nasty caldera cleans up its act. Al-qaeda must have put it there! Better send in the troops to yet another poor God forsaken country in response. Once your done with that maybe you can decide if an asteroid is going to hit us before pandemic wipes us out, and present your findings on O'Reilly Factor, making sure to explain how it's all Obama's fault either way. None of this would have happened if the US hadn't given in to socialism, that much is clear.

  • Elsewhere

    > Can't they just drill down , with a really small bit, and let some of the pressure off ?

    I don't think anyone is willing to risk it. It might have the same effect as poking a balloon with a needle.

  • cameo-d

    Why do they call it a "swarm"?

    Are locusts coming from this pit?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    They can't just drill down and release the pressure for a variety of practical reasons: the hole would have to go thru miles of rock, and the deeper it went, the softer the rock would be as the temperature and pressure increased - it would be like drilling in pudding - and if a hole was made it would be almost immediately clogged by the magma that would ooze into it and crystallize.

    This is something beyond our current technological capability.

    A more realistic plan would be to prepare "survival fortresses" where a select group of HOOTERS waitresses and I could go to assure the survival of the human race. (NOTE TO HOOTERS WAITRESSES -- I am accepting applications and conducting preliminary interviews now.) We want the inheritors of the new earth to be strong and robust, well nourished, with bones of solid silicon.

    I've been to Yellowstone in the past and I would go again. As wobble suggests, if it happens to go at that time, I will be blown to atoms before I could finish thinking, "Oh, Fu..."

  • sacolton

    "Wipe or get off the toilet ... you decide ..."

  • daniel-p

    If Yellowstone blows we're all fucked. So visiting Yellowstone shouldn't present any more quantifiable risk than stepping outside your house and getting hit by a meteor.

  • ziddina

    Yellowstone? SAFE???? Bwah - HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!

    Duuude, that critter could erupt at any minute!! 'Course, it's not showing 'typical' pre-eruptive indicators - but then again, no human on earth's ever SEEN - well, observed with scientific instrumentation - the precursors for a massive caldera eruption...

    I have these websites:

    just to keep my eye on that mega-volcano... Here's another site you may want to reference: , tho they don't have Yellowstone monitored on that site...

    Also, keep in mind that there is a definite possibility for smaller volcanic eruptions at Yellowstone, too... We live approx. 500 miles south of Yellowstone; I keep an eye on that volcano. If it erupts - if it looks like it's definitely going to have a massive caldera eruption, as opposed to a smaller volcanic eruption - I'm heading for my friend's place in east Texas. 'Cause there will probably be a volcanic winter afterwards...

    Oh, and btw... Learned on one of our trips up there that they lose around 24 people per year to the hot springs and geysers... Seems some idiots just don't have much of a survival instinct... Also, one MUST stay on the walkways - the rangers check - or should check - them daily for safety. Recall the problem of sinkholes in areas with limestone - same sort of problem at Yellowstone [no limestone, but volcanic gases degrade rocks constantly] intensified - if a sinkhole opens up under your feet at Yellowstone, there will probably be a pool of blistering, scalding, boiling water - or steam blast - once it opens... Zid

  • daniel-p
  • sacolton

    Needless to say, if Yellowstone erupts ... it's going to ruin Christmas.

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