Snoring/ Help wanted

by Aussiemanhunter 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lindy

    You could try a sleep clinic. My husband had/has this problem and he had the surgery. It worked for a while but he gained a bunch of weight and he won't quit smoking. So now he snores more than ever. You can hear him through the walls and the floor it is so loud, so I understand your issues. Take this serious. Look up on the net about sleep disorders. Most snorers have sleep apnea. In the long term it can cause serious damage to your body. You are disturbing your sleep cycle which your body needs in order to regenerate. It can and does in many, led to heart disease.

    Do you fall asleep within minutes or even seconds? This is a sign of sleep apnea.

    A word to your wife. You can be affected physically also. Because his snoring wakes you up often it has the same affect as sleep apnea does. I now have Fibromyalgia due to my husband's snoring waking me continually each night. I suffer in pain each day because of it. Fibromyalgia is another condition due to having your sleep disrupted long term, which you and your husband both can get from his snoring. No cure, just pain.

    You both need to take this serious and seek help from your doctor for a reference to a sleep clinic. They will test you and then suggest different options.

    Do some research on-line. Type in sleep apnea or snoring, you'll find lots.

    Some people wear a shirt with a tennis ball taped to the back of it so that the person can't roll onto their back. Rolling over on your back increasing the likelihood of snoring. They have the nose stips too that you can buy at the drug store. But for a heavy, serious snorer, these types of things usually don't work.

    Hope that this helps.

    As Always,

  • nelly136

    someone over here invented nostril openers, think theyre shaped like bicycle clips and they hold your nostrils open while you sleep,
    personally when snoring kept me awake i found a pillow over his face
    kept the noise down to an accptable level,

  • LB

    Sleep Apnea is a serious thing to have. Sometimes a person is forced to wear a CPAP machine when they go to bed. This forces air into your airways and you'll sleep much better and wake up rested. Another sign of sleep apnea is getting 8 hours sleep yet feeling very tired throughout the day.

    Get that checked out. A sleep study will let you know one way or the other.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • ladonna

    Lindy, thanks...but you know what men are like stubborn!!!


    Pillow sounds like a good idea.....

    LB, a machine in the bedroom??????

    Ana..... tired!!!!

  • Scully

    LB writes:

    Sleep Apnea is a serious thing to have. Sometimes a person is forced to wear a CPAP machine when they go to bed. This forces air into your airways and you'll sleep much better and wake up rested. Another sign of sleep apnea is getting 8 hours sleep yet feeling very tired throughout the day.
    Get that checked out. A sleep study will let you know one way or the other.

    Hubby had a sleep study done about a year ago and has been using a CPAP ever since. It looks ridiculous, but it works!! His snoring had been a source of contention for 16 years (it was so nasty that I often took to sleeping on the sofa so I could get some sleep)... if only he'd listened to me and gone for the study years earlier!! The device is quite costly, but our insurance covered most of the expense.

    Ask your family doctor for a referral to a sleep study lab. It's well worth having it checked out.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • WildHorses

    Either go to the store and buy some of those snore strips that you put accross the nose or go see a doctor.

    Snoring can be a serious matter, and i'm not just talking about the lack of sleep for the one listening to it. It is a serious health matter.

    Please do a search on snoring. I remember seeing a segment on either dateline or was it 20/20. Sometime snoring is seriously healt relate.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • unclebruce

    G'day aussieman,

    you have my deepest sympathy. Living with that wildcat must have you dreaming of the doghouse. My only advice would be to put a sock in it before she sits on yer face (cats suffercate little kids that way

    comiserations unclebruce

  • orangefatcat

    I have sleep apnea and have snored badly for years. Sleep Apnea can cause you to have heart failure because of lack of oxegen to the brain. that includes stroke too. I am being real serious.
    I use a CPAP like that which was already mentioned, I strongly suggest you go to a sleep Lab and be tested right away so do not delay. Your health is important, and in Canada if a person who has sleep apnea they can have their drivers licciense revoked because you could fall asleep at the wheel of your vehicle. You must use a CPAP and if u refuse then you can say goodbye to driving as your doctor is under obligation to report this to the the ministry of transportation.
    Take care of your self.

  • ashitaka

    If you're losing touch of reality because of loss of sleep, perhaps tossing ice cold water onto him would work. Or smothering him with a pillow. I almost tried the latter on my friend's father one night.....people who snore are not at fault, but after seven hours of rhythmic honking, you forget.

    Then, there's always the RATTLESNAKE treatment.

  • waiting

    Golly gee,

    My husband snores (and he told me the same about me - but I don't believe him). But that's not why we fussed ALL the time about sleeping arrangements.

    He likes to sleep with the lights on, so if he wakes up, he won't stub his toes.
    He likes to sleep with his computer on - in case he wakes up during the night - it's right beside his bed.
    He likes to sleep with the tv on - in case he wakes up.

    We have phone lines for our business coming into our house. So we have our house line, 2 business lines, and a fax line.....guess where the phone is?......Right beside our bed - and he must answer all hours of the day/night.

    And you know what? He DOES wake up a lot and use that stuff! I suggested that he woke up a lot BECAUSE of that stuff, but he disagreed.

    Tired of sleeping on the couch, I moved all the kids around in their different bedrooms and snarfed a room for myself about 8 yrs ago. Dark, quiet, no tv, no computer, no radio, no phone. And the wallpaper's pretty and the room doesn't smell like car engines.

    We maintain visitation rights, however.


    ps - I'll mention the sleep stuff --- but he won't go for it. And he HATES to sleep on his side. Many a fight over THAT one. Ahhh, the memories!

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