Five Months Journey of what I learned on JWN and YOU ALL that I want to thank! :)

by Butterflyleia85 35 Replies latest members private

  • nelly136

    20) blimey, you kept track of all that ?


  • Butterflyleia85

    Edited Version:

    ---Right now: I am still doing my spiritual research, while planning my wedding for this summer on June 13th, and still looking for a part time job (hopefully in some IT dept, Architecture dept., or Engineering dept.). I'm also trying to get my finances handled so I can go back to school in May (everything approved so far). Love my new home I moved into in October (when I joined JWN) and been decorating and exercising and playing with my dogie and loving my fiance for all the support and help. He still has yet to come on here or show interest in discussing religion at all so I come on here.

    I love watching Doctor OZ, Doctor Phil, Ellen, King of Queens, & Paranormal Activity.

    ---What acts have I taken since I joined JWN?

    I applied for fasfa, apply for summer college (that was approved), I researched my religion, I have searched for jobs, I have started up hobbies, listed good books, read CoC,

    It moved me to donate to silentlambs, inform new ones on this board, & tell my family about it.

    ---What Internet friends have I made that keep communication with me & want to thank for all your help...

    1)Mr. & Mrs. flipper, 2) babygirl30(we are both alike), 3) isaacaustin, 4) bluecanary, 5) AK-Jeff, 6) mouthy, 7) Chalam, 8) undercover, etc. (it will be updated on a personal address or contact list I have)

    ---First posters love love love first posters...

    9)Wasanelder Once (love the pic btw, thanks for advice), 10) bohm (thanks for the book), 11) isaacaustin (your the best, love the pic also), 12) WTWizard (you were so confusing at first lol but thanks), 13)yknot (loved your advice & I took it!), 14) bluecanary (your words were of great help), 15) leavingwt (thanks I for your good advice & good posts), 16) hamsterbait (umm ur a bet blunt from what I noticed but still I watch your comments), 17)undercover (you are so right and great help, love your comments), 18) Norcal_Sun (you were right & thank you), 19)OnTheWayOut (thank you, I enjoyed your posts & comments), 20)nelly136 (thank you for the heads up), 21) oompa (interesting picture but interesting posts)

    ---Who do I like/love reading or who I'd like get to know more about...

    22)sd-7(like your comments), 23)Chalam (love the scriptures an posts), 24)PSacramento (love the advice& thanks for your comments), 25)yknot (love your posts), 26) Lady Lee (love your post topics, an thanks for email), 27)Outlaw (your funny, love your posts), 28)undercover (thanks for your posts & wonderful advice), 29) ralphy1991 (thanks for your email), 30) purplesofa (thanks for your post), 31)nelly136 (thanks for your posts), 32)VoidEater (loved the posts, simple but good & good reminders), 33) Atlantis (thanks for post), 34)flipper (loved the posts & thanks for the good comments), 35)OnTheWayOut (thanks for your posts), 36) willyloman, 37) BabaYaga (loved the advices, thank you), 38)bluecanary, alwayshere (loved the advice), 39) KAYTEE (loved the advice), 40) Janey214 (loved the advice), 41) hotspur (loved the posts), 42)Black Sheep (loved the posts & agree with your advice), 43)wantstoleave (we are both alike), 44)garyneal (love your posts), 45) wobble (love your posts), 46) WTWizard (love your posts), 47) dinah (thanks for post), 48)AllTimeJeff (love your posts), 49) Georgiegirl (thanks for your posts, ur a sweetie), 50)TD (Very good posts made), 51)babygirl30 (we are alot alike), 52) dissed (made good comments, seems like we are alike), 53) palmtree67 (thanks for your comment), 54) diamondiiz (thanks so much), 55) jamiebowers (thanks for your comments), 56) 144001 (thanks for your posts but how do you do it), 57) AK-Jeff (Hope your grandkids are good), 58) whoknows (you made a good comment that I needed to be reminded), 59) Billy the Ex-Bethelite (love your pic an thanks for the comment), 60) JosephMalik (We Agree&would lk to no more), 61)straightshooter (thanks for your posts & good comments), 62) chickpea (thanks for your comment), 63) lepermessiah (thanks for your post), 64) snowbird (love your posts), 65) TweetieBird (thanks for your comment & we are alot alike)

    ---Made conversations too or noticed posts...

    66)JWoods (thanks for your posts)


    68)jookbeard (a lil negative sometimes but his cool)

    69)Jonathan Dough (critical but informal)

    70)Peacedog (critical but informal)

    71)parakeet (I'm not sure I agree)

    72)Farkel (your posts are funny but geez... I'd like to see more stories)

    73) poppers(your posts are interesting & love your comments)

    74)believingxjw (thanks for posts), 75) four candles, 76) AdaMakawee, 77) SixofNine (geez at first but understanding after), 78) megs, 79) sooner7nc, 80) RubaDub (interesting pic btw), 81) Heaven, 82) villabolo, 83) Twitch, 84) Satanus, 85) Goshawk, 86) White Dove, 87) jaguarbass, 88) passwordprotected (more scriptural proof please), 89) sacolton (interesting comments), 90) avishai, 91) independent_tre, 92) Cthulhu, 93) BorgHater, 94) wantstoleave (thanks & good posts), 95) JimmyPage (love the pic), 96) Gayle, 97) Edington, 98)minimus, 99) longhairgal, 100) wouldacouldashoulda, 101) spook, 102) GromitSK, 103) Open mind (good comments), 104) Mall Cop, 105) Out at Last!, 106) moshe, 107) WuzLovesDubs (good comment), 108) Keyser soze (good comment), 109) AK-Jeff (hope your grandkids are doing good), 110) Finally-Free (good comment), 111) Choosing life, 112) Psychotic Parrot, 113) maninthemiddle, 114) Heartbreaker, 115) creativhoney (you seem nice), 116) watson, 117) freedomisntfree, 118) freydo (good comment), 119) Black Swan of Memphis (Good Advice), 120) BluesBrother (Good comment), 121) Deputy Dog, 122)glenster (I was confused with your post), 123) ziddina (thanks for the post), 124) dig692 (thanks for the comment), 125) p.w.(Christmas good), 126) coffee_black (Christmas good), 127) feenx (Christmas good), 128) slayerbard (thanks for post), 129)zoiks (thanks), 130) Cadellin, 131) civicsi00, 132) yesidid (thanks), 133) bohm (good comment), 134) inbetween (good points but not sure), 135) megaflower (good comment)

    ---Still think about, if they are ok...

    136)cantleave (wonder how wife & him are doing & wonder what you've learned)



    139)dudeson (awesome guy)


    141)angel eyes (sweet girl)

    142)spike tassel

    ---Want to thank again or anyone I missed...

    143)mr. & mrs. flipper, 144) angel eyes, 145) donuthole, 146) AdaMakawee, 147) Nellie, 148) quietlyleaving, 149) diamondiiz, 150) BabaYaga, 151) readyornot, 152) AllTimeJeff, 153) The Oracle, 154) leavingwt, 155) Newborn, 156) ESTEE, 157) Balsam, 158) Opus92, 159)cantleave

    ---Who I observed & noticed...

    a ton... especially the new ones or the older ones that have important information...

    I wish it wasn't so random on this board, if people posted something important I could have easily missed it or I could have missed a new comer that had something interesting posted. One person that help me in one aspect the other person helped me in others, I loved it. I'm going to go over and over again my posts & comments made as reminders! Thank you so so much! Hugs to each and every one of you! I hope I mentioned all of you because seriously you have all helped! The more the marry-er That what I always believed! :)

    ---What sources or information have I received or refer to?

    To Inspire & bring hope: Bible for one but often overlook that it is the source.

    (bible on watchtower library at home)

    To learn, understand why, & encourage: Got the book Crisis of Conscience Ray Franz which is so far amazing and I love his tone (on chapter 3 because I keep rereading to see if I seen it correctly with ten more chapters to go. I wish I got it on tape!!)

    The Moral Life I haven't look much at but looked at it some.

    To encourage: Kyria Abrahams Book I'm perfect your doomed that has humor and I can relate too. Here! JWN (, I love it here it's so encouraging to see you guy's posts & comments and get more sources & information.

    Would like to see what is about sounds encouraging as well.

    Study reference or have look over:

    YouTubes by Ex-JW,, Knocking documentary, (haven't look at in a while),,,,, Jehovah'sWitnessBlog,,,,,,, steven alan hassans video (,,, Jerusalem Fell 586 or 607(,,, Trinity (

    This may not include all the post that have been made that I click on and look over but the list here are under my favorites folder.

    Would love to get or look into: Releasing the Bonds, Combating Cult Mind Control, What Makes You Not a Buddhist/Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness by Bhante G, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships/Captive Hearts, Captive Minds: freedom and recovery from cults and abusive relationships: by Madeleine Landau Tobias & Janja Lalich, Captives of a Concept, Your Erroneous Zone by Wayne Dyer, Expecting Armageddon: Essential Readings in Failed Prophecy by Jon R. Stone & The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong, The history of Christianity by Paul Johnson & Truth or Consequences by Roy.

    Roy did give me a brief chapter out of his book and shared conversation through email. I'm excited to invest in this books!

    (Is there away I can get this on tape, I process information better when I receive it bets at a time or when I hear it and see it at the same time?)

    ---What have I learned?

    Allot... it's all kinda a mess though in my head so I'm trying to now stand back and exam everything...laying it all out on here.

    Balance is the key to anything & everything!! It's hard to do but we have to try!

    ---What do I still believe?

    It was engraved for 21 years... and now I'm 24 and found freedom to investigate thanks to you guys!

    ---What are my goals?

    To get my associates degree finished. Get a part time or full time job. Loss weight for wedding..

    Found my spiritual system or routine... for my future family & for me to be a solid thinker & fully convinced by proof. (My fiance says we will never know & I wonders why I can't be OK with that; he thinks I'm obsessed & am going in circles that never will be answered)

    To be satisfied, not be OK and extremely happy for three wks then later freak out & get depressed for a day because I'm impatient.

    ---What improvements have I seen?

    I'm allot happier, I'm not depressed all the time, I don't drink to get drunk, I am more motivated to do things, have more energy, I care more about my looks, I want to be with my family more & doing small or simple things are enjoyable. I am mindful & understanding towards others (beliefs, ideas, & culture).

    My Weakness- sensitive or emotional- so I worry about what everyone thinks or dwell, I was abused when I was younger by my JW dad so I issues with men (but long to have a good dad but have hope & love for my real dad, but my grandpa was there for a short time as that father figure), I have ADD or learning disability (a wall where it's hard to understand at first, so it makes me a slow learner), and I have to be reminded constantly, I can over look things easily, I'm a fixer & perfectionist tho, but a really really bad speller on the other hand lol

    My Strengths- I love & can solve complex puzzles thus makes me fast learner, I'm positive thinker & attitude, I love to encourage, and I'm easily motivated so I can move on, I'm creative & passionate, I love hard work & achievements, family keeps me going, friends keep me encouraged, I hold morals important but don't judge others

    I'm putting a number by each of your name. So the number on your left can you please post it and if you'd like share your comment so I can either get to know you better!! :) If you don't have a number then I will know who I missed or that your new and please make your comment. If you do put a number I will know who you are and your posts! :) If you have more then one number put all the numbers next to your name down, I must have seen you post allot. :) Thanks so much!! Hugs!!



    P.S. anything I missed let me know! also if you want to ask anything you can, I pretty much a down to earth, honest girl! :)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Nice personal post! I'm on here all the time but don't post much cuz I think someone always says it before me, plus I'm dyslexic and my spell check doesn't work and I feel stupid not being able to spell simple words, I know lame excuse but true....... But, it is nice to here you moving forward with your life. you have a full life to live. Congrats!!! You sound like a fun person to be around

  • poppers

    What a great post!

  • Cadellin

    I think my number changed...Oh well, Butterfly, you are one amazing woman!! Hurray for your goals and feeling good about yourself!! Is this place great, or what??

  • flipper

    BUTTERFLYLEIA- My wife and I have enjoyed talking to you on the phone and have enjoyed getting to know you. You have a lot of good qualities as a person and I'm sure you will be able to reach your JW family in time. One of the best things we can show is love , authentic human love , and in time it will always win out over the facade or pretend cult love. Keep the good work up. Peace out , Mr. Flipper

  • maninthemiddle

    113) maninthemiddle

    I am touched that I was even noticed.

    I noticed one of you threads about music. If you get a chance check out "second chance" by ShineDown. It is really a moving song for people in our circumstances.

    It was recommended to me on and I fell in love with the entire CD.

  • palmtree67

    Well, it didn't take you long to fit in, darlin'!!

    Awesome to have you here, cus believe it or not, YOU TEACH US THINGS, TOO!!

  • poopsiecakes

    Hi Butterfly! I'm new here and my hope is to have the same positive experience you've enjoyed. Getting through this process can be exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. I wish you all the best in your job search and with your upcoming wedding. I hope to get to know you better here and keep that positive attitude, it's so encouraging!!

  • Butterflyleia85

    nelly126- Hahaha crazy ha! lol Yeah I didn't know how else to show my appresiation but by really putting alot of effort on a post and say Thank you!! :)

    Found Sheep- Thanks so much for the post. Yeah I understand what your saying and I do agree, some have said excately what I think but it give encouragement that I'm not the only one thinking it. Haha and your not stupid or lame, I have bad spelling too and actually many do but it doesn't mean they are stupid. The religion we were raised in (as well as many) can say it does sometimes put a damper on our judgement or our conscience but I also know that it has brought many good things as well, it give us reminders (like we were taught) and also keeps us in check. Thank you again for the complement I am glad I can be seen as a fun person too!

    Poppers- thanks for the post yes even though I don't quite agree at first I still enjoy different ideas and then later I can make sense of it all. As far as your comment on the biking (teadmill post I made), haha, totally cool and hey love that you love my little dash dogie. hehe

    Cadellin- haha yeah it's still not quite right but Oh well, I gave up on the number thingy. haha Yes this place is totally awesome! Thanks!

    Mr. Flipper- Thank you so much for the encouragement! I will do my best and beleive so much in what you said. Thanks again for everything. I will still keep in touch.

    Maninthemiddle- :) you are defently noticed. even if it doesn't seem like it. Yes love shinedown and been to a couple of his concerts. Thanks again.

    palmtree67- Aww :) That's totally cool! I hope so but I also hope people don't get mislead sometimes cause that's all I truely want is for my true identy to stand out. My ideas... sometimes what I might say can be so misunderstood so I feel I have to go back and clear things up again. lol

    poopsiecakes - Well thank you for posting! Yes totally agree, it still can be a bet exhausting but if you never give up searching and never give up on the ones you love... things will work out eventually. Hehe thanks so much again. I believe you will find this place wonderful... give it time and it's funny even after you think you have it figured out something else comes to light. :)

    To other places I posted I realize too I might have missed your name, but please be aware your not forgotten either! :) Thanks again for everyones posts! Have to go but will be popping on here every now an then! :)

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