DOES THE BIBLE really really EXIST?

by Terry 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quentin

    Does the bible really, really Exist?

    But of course...I myself have bout ten lying round the house...their bibles...there here...therefore the bible really,really exist...

    Nice to see you posting some topics Terry...scuse me while I look for more while you continue rattling cages...

  • thetrueone

    Yes the bible really does exist and it was written and inspired by men.

    Its really a text book for men who desire to play god and its invaluable to them for this reason.

    Although it has been revised to meet up to date needs of the modern god players.

  • cyberjesus

    thank you for this post and all the contributors. keep posting while I keep reading :-)

  • Terry

    Lot's of passion in this subject. Suprising that it isn't matched by scholars attempting to prove the authenticity and accuracy of the Illiad, another ancient Greek document we don't have the original of, only having a few hundred copies dated five hundred years after the original.

    Schliemann (the proto archeologist) did! Using clues from the ancient tale he set about to find the location of the actual city of Troy.

    His "success" launched a new science.

  • Terry

    I actually discussed this Canon thing (and the YHWH in the NT thing) with old GB member Schroeder - and got told that Jehovah must have had some hand all through the ages in preserving the bible canon. It was done in preparation for the resurgence of "truth" in the hands of the WTS so that they could restore the divine name to the NT.

    The canon the Jehovah "preserved" had 73 books. The New World Translation only has 66! Just think about that....Jehovah preserved the Bible canon only to have Jehovah's Witnesses fail to live up to the full preservation.

    Silly notion. God "must have" done this or that. Yeah? Or else what?


  • PSacramento
    How can we have a personal relationship with God through Jesus if we don't know anything about them? Where can I go to find out about God? The only place I know is the Bible. If the Bible isn't God's word, what else is there? I know we can look at creation and all that, but there must be something else. If the Bible isn't true, where does that leave us? I am feeling really bad about this - I don't know what to believe any more. I have tried so hard to get close to God through the Bible - and I've failed miserably. I thought this was my fault, but maybe it isn't all down to my failings if the Bible is a hoax....... sorry to ramble - totally confused!

    How did they do it BEFORE there was a "bible"?

    Via the HS.

    Now, that said and in more "realistic terms", the HS helps us to understand what we read in the bible so that WE can realte to God on a personal level through Jesus.

    NO ONE can tell you what YOUR relationship to God is or can be, only YOU can do that.

    The bible gives us a possibe picture of what God is and wants from us, the fact that we can get more than one picture just shows that every writer had their own personal view of God and Jesus, as WE are suppose to have.

    John's view of Jesus was certainly different than Luke's or Matthews and Peter's and Jame's was different than Paul's, and that was alright.

  • Terry

    The Holy Spirit seems to tell different denominations different things judging by the divisions in belief.

    What's up with that?

    How are people guided by ONE Holy Spirit to different locations all under the one banner of TRUTH?

  • PSacramento


    Is there a reason why the HS must be One thing only to ALL people?

    I know that organized religion would like us to think that, but is that truly the case?

    Did Ghandi have the HS?, did MLK jr?

    Yes to both I think.

    I think the message is the same for all, this "truth: is the same for all, even if the message can get "garbled".

    And the truth is: Love each other as we love ourselves, forgive to be forgiven. take care of those in need.

  • Terry

    Is there a reason why the HS must be One thing only to ALL people?

    I know that organized religion would like us to think that, but is that truly the case?

    Did Ghandi have the HS?, did MLK jr?

    Yes to both I think.

    I like to stick with basics and work up from there.

    I live in a Post-Enlightenment world and your question is a Pre-Enlightenment question.

    The premise that supernatural and invisible beings exist is a huge premise to swallow.

    How do we get "there" from here?

    Further, when we make such guesses about the activity/influence of such an invisible/intangible supernatural "persons" we are doing something I find inadvisable to do.

    We operate out of ignorance rather than information.

    It is difficult enought to decide important questions with a solid knowledge base with established data.

    But--to speculate about the unknown (and unknowable) as to what possible influece these "beings" may have----well, that is way to

    Pre-Enlightenment for me to tackle.

    Even the most ardent Theological expert is hard-pressed to speak knowingly about the character known as HOLY SPIRIT or HOLY GHOST.

    Alas! If a discussion devolves down to speculating about Ghosts-----aren't we in the same arena as Loch Ness monsters, Bigfoot and UFO kidnappings?

    I'm not trying to ridicule your query; far from it. I'm just telling you where I am at.

  • PSacramento


    I respect where you are at and I respect your questions and your desire to shed light on things.

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