"Old School" Elders

by xelder 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • xelder

    In the last few years that I served as an elder, and as I was discovering what the WTS really was, the term "Old School" would be used and it began to bother me more and more. It was usually used to praise a person with a mean, unwaivering, dogmatism to an obselete policy. A couple of times I would ask the person what he meant by the term. The discussion was similiar to this

    Me: What do you mean by "Old School"

    Other Elder: Well, it's a strict adherance to WTS policy. Things were better in those days, back in the days of Rutherford, Knorr

    Me: Is "Old School" a scriptural term?

    Other Elder: Well no. but it produces a better product

    Me: I think I maybe know what you mean. I know of someone who I think was of the "Old School", and do you know what he used to say?

    Other Elder: No what

    Me: He said "My yoke is kindly and my load is light" And I'm pretty sure that that school is older than your "Old School"

  • cantleave

    When I was appointed, I hoping to soften the old school attitudes of some on the Body. Boy was I disappointed, the attitudes are so ingrained and reinforced by the CO's, that you just feel that your are beating your head against a brick wall, if try to be more reasonable.

  • agonus

    Many have been praying for change in the organization, but from what I gather, the younger/new GB members are, ironically, more "Old School" than the old guard - if that's even possible. It doesn't look good.

  • eyeslice

    Cantleave - my experience exactly.

    I actually think I did make a difference in the two congregations I served in but in the end the 'old school' had the knives out for me. The rest is history as they say.

  • restrangled

    I'll give you old school ....DAMN IT ALL!

    3 years ago, my mother, at 72 years old, was still worrying about associating with me after I was 35 years out.. I had done nothing but support her, my fathers death, her pioneering, position on various subjects, financial support to the society, and help with everything since my dad died.

    For some reason she got it in her head, I was not really worthy because I had been raised in the truth, left it at 18, and smoked cigarettes.

    A very young CO came through and told her SHUN THE SHIT OUT OF HER. (MY WORDS) BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

    I received the most ridiculous shunning letter you have ever seen.

    Some day, I will have the nerve to post it here....it is revealing and shocking. Probably one of the most revealing documents into the witnesses you have ever read.

    On my birthday, my mother, handed me that letter and said she could not have contact with me again.

    ARGGG....this is enough for now in reference to OLD SCHOOL JACKASSES.

  • Palimpsest

    I think it's just a way for those "old school" elders to make themselves feel better about no one liking them. The only elders I ever liked, and the only ones most people ever liked, were the ones who were more human, more gentle, more sympathetic. We liked the ones who had sense of humor, who smiled periodically, who played softball with the kids at congregation picnics and got dirty with the rest of us on Hall cleaning days. I think it's more about behavior and personal interaction than it is about doctrine. The "old school" elders are the ones who are obsessed with policies and who forget that you can indeed both follow the rules and not be a complete jerk to other people simultaneously.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    That reminds me of a chat i had with my lawyer about whether new up and comming Judges were more tolerant of alternative looking people before them ( I was advised if i go to court against the ex, to cover my Tattoos and grow my mohawk out) and the answer was, NOPE. They all get promoted from likely 'old school' candidates... liberal types didnt go far.

    so it sounds the same with elders...


  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    So true. We had an "old school elder" in my old hall

    many moons ago and he used to pull me aside and

    as one elder to another critique my prayers that I gave

    at the Hall.

    Sour Grapes

  • LittleSister

    It's all about control 'old school' is just another name for 'control freak'.

  • lepermessiah

    In my experience,

    Old School = Pharasee

    Progressive = Compassionate and wishing for change

    The WTBS LOVES the Old School.........thus producing a new breed of Pharasees.

    They "strain out the gnat and gulp down the camel".......just like Jesus WARNED against.

    Most of the sincere ones longing for change get either beat into submission or burned out beyond belief.

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