"Old School" Elders

by xelder 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • willyloman

    Old School = Pharasee

    Progressive = Compassionate and wishing for change

    The latter end up on this forum telling their exit stories or else they hunker down at the KH and fly under the radar, busying themselves with business or family affairs and trying not to let "the truth" get in the way of their lives.

    The "old school" boys are despised by the progressives, who learn fairly quickly that all efforts at reform are futile. Once it becomes clear that the "problems" are not specific to one congregation but are systemic, it's crisis of conscience time for a "progressive" elder. This is true of folks at every level of membership but elders get to see the seamy underside of the organization and some see the futility sooner than the rank and file.

  • lepermessiah

    The "old school" boys are despised by the progressives, who learn fairly quickly that all efforts at reform are futile. Once it becomes clear that the "problems" are not specific to one congregation but are systemic, it's crisis of conscience time for a "progressive" elder.

    Willy - you described my situation to a tee. That was very well said.

    I have been asked many times by the local elders who offended me in such a way that I feel the way I do now.

    I told them that I was not personally offended by anyone. Like you said, its systemic. You cant change it - you either submit or leave it.

    Once you question the system, you see how "old school" (Pharasaic) it really is.

    I called the "Pay Attention to the Flock" book the "Pharasee Manual" a few weeks ago - my wife just looked at me and didnt know to laugh or cry.

  • LongHairGal


    I am sorry to hear that your mother cut you off like she did. You did mention that while you were associating with her that you were 'supporting her'. I hope now that she wants you out of her life you are NO LONGER supporting her! It seems only fair that if she told you that she wants absolutely NOTHING to do with you that would mean she wants nothing to do with your money either. In all seriousness, that is what I WOULD DO if I were in the exact same situation you are. Even if I loved my mother with all my heart, if I were handed a letter like you were that is how I would handle it.

    Let those wonderful spiritual shepherds who brought this situation about $upport her now.

  • nugget

    I think old school means conditioned. I often wondered why so few got appointed because in the ideal congregation all mature men would be elders or MS. I think what it is is that men need to reach a certain level of conditioning before they can accept the policy files and carry out edicts without question. Progressive brothers who have reached the appropriate level will supress any doubts and wait on Jehovah, others will allow ambition and the importance of position to cloud their thinking ability.

    On the outside we look at the policies and flip flops and see the irrationality and hypocrasy but deep in it all seems reasonable.

    I'm the wife of an ex elder and know more about what they do now than I ever did before.

  • dissed

    Have you ever tried to counsel or correct an 'old school' Elder or CO?

    They don't take counsel at all, plus, you will have an enemy for life.

    Just like Elephants, 'old schoolers' NEVER forget and will purposely sabotage you on every occassion, even to the point of lying to make you appear to look bad.

    Reason #1103 for leaving the WTS organization: Un-Christ-like Elders on the body.

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