Celtic Music

by Snowball 32 Replies latest social entertainment

  • waiting

    Hey Bob,

    So you're of the Osage group of Indians? My first husband was one generation too far removed for an Indian scholarship. My children are of the Osage Indians, but they don't think about it much - only that they suntan faster than some others - and don't freckle.

    The Osage, to my knowledge, were one of the few tribes who came out of the American Adventure decently. They have reservations in North and South Dakota, on oil land. This may have changed, do you know more?

    I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for thmselves. John Wayne

    Hey Snowball


    ...Which city are you in? OrangeVale?

    He is, unless he's pulling our collective leg.

    Nice to meet you. I've read your bio on a couple of other sites. Sorry about your treatment in the WTBTS. Glad you came out ok. Good picture, btw.


    Edited by - waiting on 30 December 2000 17:16:17

  • OrangeVale Bob
    OrangeVale Bob

    Hi waiting,
    It's really not that big of a deal to me either. I, umm, had a little too much to drink when I was posting last night. I am a history buff though, so I've read a lot. The Osage were an extremely warlike tribe. Kinda wrecks the groovy image that the New Agers conjure up. The Spanish and then the American's didn't want to fight them, so they treated them pretty decently. They signed a treaty which allowed them to keep the best of their traditional lands as their "reservation". Most of it was taken back over the years but they never moved. The reservation is in NE Oklahoma. Just so happens there was a lot oil on that land. For quite a few years they were the wealthiest tribe in the US. I guess being a badass isn't always bad.
    If your kids like to read, a good book is "The Imperial Osages, Spanish-Indian Diplomacy in the Mississippi Valley" by Din and Nasitir. Dry, but a lot of information.
    Love that quote by John Wayne! Reminds me of what Ron Regan said when he was Gov. Some people were complaining about the tens of thousands of acres of old growth redwoods that were being clearcut, his response was "Once you've seen one tree you've seen 'em all". How inciteful.

  • waiting

    Hey Bob,

    I've been away from the old ones on that side of the family for years - you brought back some memories. The great, great, grandfather was a War Chieftain for one group of Osage. They had his beautiful, full-length headdress hanging on the wall. Well over 6 ft. long, with wonderful beading. Pure white feathers. Just beautiful. And they told stories about the fiercness of the Osage Warriors. They didn't go peacefully to farming.

    Oklahoma, eh? Out west somewhere would have been a safer comment from me, eh?

    Thanks for the book information. I think as my kids of their own, they'll enjoy the knowledge of heritage more.


  • Snowball

    Thank you, Seven, for those links. I am picking up my tin whistle with renewed enthusiasm, and I'm actually making progress! That page on sessioneers was fabulous! Lots of info for a newbie tin whistler.


  • Seven

    Wayne, I'm glad to hear you're making progress. Have fun!!


  • ZazuWitts

    Yes, Yes - thank you for the links -
    found and ordered some things I've been looking for all over the area! TY,TY.

  • ZazuWitts

    Dear 7of9

    was going to e-mail this but ....
    so I put it here-

    Like 'waiting', I love quotes and came across this one - it put me so much in mind of you dear women:

    "One ought everyday at least,
    to hear a little song,
    read a good poem,
    see a fine picture and,
    if possible,
    speak a few reasonable words."

    I think it sounds like you!

    But, indeed, it would behoove everyone.

    May the new year bring you peace and happiness. Zazu

  • ZazuWitts

    The quote is from Goethe (1749-1832) had to go look it up - wasn't on the e-mail I received. My he lived a long time for that era - perhaps he took his own advice.

  • Seven

    Zazu, Thank you for the quote and the New Year's wish as well. Goethe was a fascinating man. I recall as a young man he wrote love songs for a married woman far older than himself-didn't care what the consequences were. He ended up marrying a girl half his age. One of my favorite quotes of his-We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe. Someone once wrote that in my yearbook.

    Peace to you, and I'm glad you found the links useful.

  • waiting

    Hey y'al,

    Not to be outdone - but I'm at work, and it's easy enough anyway.....

    America is a mistake. A big mistake. Freud

    Los Angeles is the plastic asshole of America. Ernest Hemingway


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