Anniversary of our being egged by JWS, decide to show you all the letter we sent to 200 JW families!!! Enjoy!!

by Lady Liberty 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Lady Liberty, that was an excellent letter you wrote and I'm glad that it's gotten some 'inactive' ones thinking.

    I had several strong JWs write me. Those letters were more along the lines that I need to just have faith Blah Blah Blah! One person totally ignored the whole 607 issue and went into why clelbrating Christmas was pagan!!

    That is no surprise. The reason most JWs accept the 607 BCE date without question is because it's easy to. Instead of actually doing the research like you did, all they are told they have to do is: 539 + 70 years = 609 BCE. Which still doesn't give you 607 BCE but what's a couple of years when your entire life is riding on it? Instead of facing the problem head on, they do what they always do: they ignore the evidence and try and different method of attack----in this case, the whole "Christmas is pagan" attack.

    I remember a conversation I had with an elder friend years ago when he asked me why I didn't go out in Serve-Us. I told him that I had discovered that Jerusalem had not been destroyed in 607 BCE but in 587 BCE. At first he didn't see the significance, but I finally said "Come on Dave---think about it. If Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE, then they can't use 1914 as the date for when Jesus 'returned'.

    He thought about it for a minute and then admitted "You're right----it would change everything." But because he was so dedicated, he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

    It sounds like there are numerous Witnesses who know there is something seriously wrong with this date, but because they've got so much vested interest in it, they choose to ignore it and carry on as usual. Imagine: If you don't accept a date that has absolutely no historical evidence, you can potentially lose your family, your life-long friends, the social and spiritual network that is the basis for the foundation of many people's lives, you can be destroyed mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and possibly financially.

    And some people don't think the WTS is a cult?

  • iknowall558

    Amazing letter. I applaud you and have bookmarked it or reference.

  • hamsterbait

    A good job well done.

    You realise of course, that most dubbies can't read more than two three word sentences before the brain gets cramp and falls over.


  • AwSnap

    marked for later

  • Walkin

    LL. What LOVE you have demonstrated! One of my favorite scriptures is the one that Nehemiah ask's of Jehovah in the concluding verse of his book. "Oh Jehovah remember me for good." You have done good for so many persons whether they appreciate it or not. You will be remembered by Jesus when that time comes.

    The foundation that the society stands on is a date that is inaccurate. It is Jesus who is the foundation that we stand on not some date.

    Thank you for all the time and loving effort you put into this and sharing it with us.


  • moshe

    Good story, Thanks!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty


    Thank you again for your kind words and support!!!

    How much time elapsed between the mailing of this letter and your Christmas sign sighting?

    Did the CO or elders present any arguments supporting 607 after thi

    I wrote the letter and sent it around the begining of February, 07. And we were visited by the Elders on December 15, 07. So about 11 1/2 months was the time that lapsed between the letter and the Elders visit to ask if we were celebrating Christmas.

    Neither the CO or the Elder wanted to discuss 607. They just wanted to know if we would meet for a judicial comitee regarding celebrating Christmas. Here is a copy and paste from my post right after it happened regarding that subject, I brought up to them;

    I said.."You know there was a time 3 years ago we were willing to meet to have our questions (re: 607) answered. But we waited and waited and waited for the elders to reply and they NEVER came!" Then real cocky & with a smirk on his face the CO said," Sometimes we just have to wait..don't we!?" I said, "Yeah, well you waited a little too long!" (Oh he was a JERK! Fairly young and a smart ASS!) (Excuse my french.)

    He then said.."Well, its clear you are going back to the pagan ways of the world." ( My husband and I have NEVER been in the world! We were both raised very strong JWS!)

  • Satanus

    Very courageous. At which point, exactly, in your discoveries, did you come to the conclusion that the wt wasn't god's org? Or, did it happen over a longer period of time?


  • GLTirebiter

    Well written and well documented, thank you! I saved a copy for my own reference.


  • God_Delusion

    Absolutely superb!

    How they didn't disfellowship you for sending out that letter is beyond me. Here in Cyprus, if one attempted to send out such an awakening letter, they would be hung up to dry.

    Well done!

    Lady Liberty, I do have one question for you though; it's obvious that you're a great researcher and it's quite plain to see that when you've got to figure something out, you go for it. Well, I advise that you carry out some research on "if Jesus Christ ever existed". I do warn you, you will not like what you find.

    If you have the time to do the research (and I suggest you do), pm me, or start up a new thread on your findings.

    Kind regards

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