Physicist Michio Kaku on God.

by Deputy Dog 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • darthfader

    I really like Michio Kaku also.. I purchased "The Physics of the Impossible" and couldnt put it down. If you want a really good book on quantum physics I recomend: " Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed"

    Darth Fader

  • frankiespeakin


    This universe is still changing and so are the natural laws in it. Not to mention we know so little about our own little corner in our own Galaxy. To
    think we can figure it all out seems arrogant to me.

    Actually scientist know quite a lot about the whole universe already,, it is us who don't know what is already known. Arrogance is not the prime motivator it is human inquisitiveness and I think one day they will have the answer to how are universe came into existence Michio Kaku is working on it as well as other physicist and string theory seems to be our best shot at present on answering what cause the Big Bang They seem to think that our universe is just one out of infinite many there may even be parallel universes where you and I are doing the same thing that we are doing now..

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Actually scientist know quite a lot about the whole universe already,, it is us who don't know what is already known.

    I guess my question to you is, How do scientist know what they don't know? They don't even know all the questions.

    Arrogance is not the prime motivator it is human inquisitiveness

    I'm not talking about asking the questions. It's that we seem to forget about our very limited perspective, when we try to answer.

    They seem to think that our universe is just one out of infinite many there may even be parallel universes where you and I are doing the same thing that we are doing now..

    LOL! When I speculate about things outside of our universe, they tell me I'm crazy.

    Actually, String theory fits my world view.


    For the record, Einstein was an atheist.

    I never met the man, but, according to these videos, there appears to be some debate about that.

  • Satanus

    Here is another one He states that einstein believed in spinoza's god. Spinoza's view of god was as follows, according to the site sited:

    ' Excommunicated from the church at the age of 24, Spinoza’s “intellectual love of God” describes a God who is uninterested and uninvolved in the affairs of humans. Admired by Einstein and Thomas Jefferson, Spinoza’s Ethics has at its center the notion of a God who is a metaphor ­ a non-supernatural synonym for Nature and the lawfulness that governs the Universe. This presentation will focus on the implications of an ethics and a philosophy absent a God who punishes or rewards. We will explore Spinoza’s principle that the highest form of knowledge is the intellectual love of God.'

    In a word, god was a metaphor to them.


  • frankiespeakin


    What I'm saying is that we(as in You and I) don't know the accumulated knowledge of what science has uncovered up to date and that they are working on a theory of everything this is no idol boast or statement but explains how everything came to be they think it should be beautiful mathematically speaking not ugly like quantum mechanics any way here is a little about it;

    Staring Yours truly Michio Kaku:

    Parallel Universes

  • frankiespeakin
  • What-A-Coincidence

    he is also a conspiracy theorist ... i luv hm

  • Farkel


    Thank you for presenting that. I had read many years ago where Einstein admitted to being an atheist when directly questioned about it, but you made my point. I was afraid I would have to dig up the reference and that would take me some time to do it. I'm rather lazy, you know.

    That in no way detracts from Einstein's deep reverence and spirituality about the way things are. I think any decent Creator would be pleased with just that viewpoint.


  • VM44

    string theory is a theoretical deadend.

  • Satanus


    You're welcome.


    String theory leads to m-theory.


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