We might have awakened to another mass murder this AM...

by Gregor 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt
  • cantleave

    Too abhorant to dwell upon. Too close for comfort.

  • sammielee24

    I've been thinking about this. It's interesting.

    First, why didn't the guy try to light the stuff until he reached Detroit? If he was a major terrorist, wouldn't it have been just as effective to blow up the plane midway through and actually cause severe damage to it? Cause a bigger stink?

    Second, his own father warned the government about this kid and yet, he was issued a US visa in 2008 and made trips back and forth from that point on and didn't get put on the watch list....so we amp up airport screening and ignore direct information that should have been a pretty blatant warning of possible activity by him?

    Third - airports are set to do searches and yet, according to the TSA, there is no way that you can ever be secure unless all people were strip searched....so what now? All this becomes an illusion and smoke screen for other things - opportunity for one.

    The body imaging machine that is in one or two airports has riled up people so much so that airports haven't installed them ....this provides a major opportunity for the company and airlines and government to quickly take advantage of all the fear and reaction, and get them in under the guise of Homeland Security. Money.

    For the past few years I've felt like a criminal half the time and part of a herd of cattle the other every time I fly. Last month, I had on a very light t shirt but put a thin sweatshirt over it because of the cold. I got up to security and I took of my shoes, took off my coat, emptied my pockets, removed my laptop for screening, pulled out my clear plastic zip lock baggy with my 3oz and under personal needs items, put my purse in another bucket, having already made certain that I was wearing no jewellry, no belt, nothing with wires or metal at all. After doing all of that, I was then told that I had to strip off my sweatshirt and put it in the scanner - having no choice, I did so, holding up the line and providing a show .......and all the while I watched as a couple of younger guys walked right through wearing the same style of clothing. Cripes! I haven't travelled with anything more than one carry-on for years and once got pulled out of line into a more secure area for furthering questioning because I didn't have more luggage after a vacation! Go figure!

    No getting up to use the bathroom on flights under 90 minutes? No putting a blanket or pillow or coat on your lap during the last hour even if you are cold? Where are the air marshals we thought were going to be on flights? Who are the people causing the issues and do we start profiling now? If Lieberman is calling for a preemptive strike on Yemen where the 'terrorists' are, isn't that massive profiling on a military scale when it might make sense to do it on a smaller, more safer scale?

    I dunno.....it's just too bad even though I know it's a new era and a new way of life........................sammieswife.

  • Opus92
    Second, his own father warned the government about this kid and yet, he was issued a US visa in 2008 and made trips back and forth from that point on and didn't get put on the watch list ...

    Yeah, I was wondering about this too! Especially since the UK denied his last request for a visa.

  • leavingwt

    Have they said that it's "Bush's fault" yet? I'm sure it's coming.

  • JWdaughter

    Hey, Yemen is working on this-and since they are close to me in Qatar, I hope to hell they(we/US) don't go pre-emptively striking them. That country has enough problems, and they are not located where most of the people live, but in the hinterland.

  • leavingwt
  • Gregor

    Somethings wrong.

    First the Ft Hood Massacre. Incomprehensible lax in security common sense.

    Then the decision to have the 9/11 terrorists tried like bank robbers in NY criminal court.

    Now this near catastrophy by someone who was well known as a potential suicide commando. Another apparent fumble by our security.

    What has happened to the fabric of our national secrurity apparatus? Our CIA seems to be completely off balance as they try to do their job and not be prosecuted by their own government.

    Our military personnel are being court martialed based on accusations by terrorists.

    North Korea and Iran are now brazenly defying us to our face as they develop nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.

    Hugo Chavez is turning Venezuela into a branch of the old Soviet Union and is spreading his influence throughout South America.

    Our President seems incapable of rebuking any of our enemies except in wimpy rhetoric. His strategy so far has been to approach the world wringing his hands, bowing and scraping.

    What is going on?

    "Weakness is a Provocation"

  • gubberningbody

    What's the "we" stuff?

    If you mean "we" as in citizens of planet earth, then that's fine, but all other "we-ness" is just another bomb waiting to explode.

  • BizzyBee

    Yeah, America cannot always control the actions of other countries or individuals, most notably when 9/11 happened after G. W. Bush and his cabinet members had been warned. And when our leaders defy the Geneva convention by perpetrating torture, should they be brought to justice or given a pass? And when a passenger boards in Amsterdam - outside of US jurisdiction - how much responsibility is on whose soil? With a half-million people on the U. S. security roster - should we just stop flying? Tough questions - no easy answers.

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