What was your favorite Beatles song that you remember ?

by thetrueone 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    For myself growing up in the 60's it was mostly The Beatles that drew my attention as well as many others.

    As for the entire body of work by them, there might never be another four piece musical group like them.

    Sad to think that the younger generation today only has thug rap/hip hop trash or Britney Spears to listen to.

    The quality of music may have diminished itself when it started to become more of a visual expression of art rather than

    purely audio form of entertainment.

    Just one of my favorites out of many.


  • leavingwt

    Nice pick. The Golden Slumbers Medley (and really the entire B-side of Abbey Road) is excellent. These were the final tracks of the final Beatles album.

    (Born in '74, I don't 'remember' any of them.)

    My favorite song is 'In My Life', with 'Don't Let Me Down' being a close second.

  • thetrueone
  • Leolaia

    Penny Lane, because it evokes my early childhood.

    I Am the Walrus, because it trips me out every time I hear it.

    Within You and Without You, because it makes me feel like sitting in a grove of trees looking up at the sky and feeling one with everything. And because I love George.

  • Cthulhu

    A Day In The Life was great

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps is my favorite. Didn't Eric Clapton play guitar on that one, as well?

    (Born in '72. Also don't remember)

  • leavingwt


    Please check your PM's.


  • thetrueone

    The very first record that I owned was when I was about 7 or 8, my aunt bought me a portable record player for my birthday,

    it had 3 speeds 45, 78, and 33 1/3 . I bugged my parents for a Beatles record after seeing them on the ED Sullivan show,

    so they brought me a 45 of which I think was Twist and Shout and another song on the B side which I cant remember,

    from there on I was hooked.


  • undercover

    I can't access youtube at work so I can't see your picks but for me, I remember hearing She Loves You when I was a little tyke. Even then I knew it was something special. I was hooked on them from that point on. So that song has a special place though not my favorite.

    I have favorites on every album. I can't pick just one song...no way.

    One of the first albums I ever bought was Revolver so many songs on there are favorites, especially Love You To, Tomorrow Never Knows and She Said She Said.

    I agree with what LWT said about the B side of Abbey Road. Excellent.

    As much as Sgt. Peppers gets the nod as the most influential, I find myself drawn more to the White Album. The simplicity of a lot of the songs, like Blackbird, Julia, I'm So Tired, Rocky Raccoon, Long Long Long, stand in stark contrast to the experimentation of Sgt. Peppers. My favorite song on the White Album is Dear Prudence.

    I could go on and on and on...

  • restrangled



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