Seeking links to help Deaf learn about the WT via sign language ASL

by Mad Sweeney 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone

    I did the full screen on youtube.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    No, what I meant was, isn’t what is written on the internet enough for deaf exJWs?

    I came out of the Borg at a time when YouTube wasn’t really big, so all we had was what was written on the internet, or books. Both of which are easily accessible to deaf ppl too.

  • asilentone

    Well, some deafies do not read that well as other deafies. Videos would be better for all deafies.

  • Scott77

    Well, some deafies do not read that well as other deafies. Videos would be better for all deafies.


    Absolutely agreeable with me. Hi Broken Promises , let me add, to some deafies who who were born in, I mean already born deaf or, sometimes refered to as Pre-lingually Deaf, their first language is ASL. So reading english to them, is like learning a second language. I have seen this a thousand times.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have no idea what she's saying, but I stumbled across these:

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Thanks for posting the videos.

    On the issue of reading, it's difficult because learning to read for most people entails both hearing the language for several years and being relatively fluent already in speaking it.

    For a Deaf person who has been deaf since birth, they have not heard the spoken language at all and likewise do not speak it. Think of the challenge in learning to read a language you've never heard or spoken. Think of yourself in the situation of learning to read Spanish, for example, without the benefit of your teacher ever saying anything to you IN Spanish. It's a daunting task. Deaf people who become fluent readers of spoken languages do so as a result of both innate intelligence and incredibly hard work.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I just thought I'd bump this thread becaue there are always so many new people on board. Feel free to add more youtube vids in ASL.

    Also, if any signers are here and wish to Skype or Videophone chat with me and my wife, drop me a PM. Maybe we can work something out. Maybe not, too. I'm kind of undercover still at this point so I won't just show my name and face to anyone just for the asking. I'll have to trust you first. Obviously, that goes both ways.

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