do you really know what a cult is?

by redjeep 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • yesidid

    Welcome Redjeep,

    Have you head the saying:

    "I prefer to have questions that I cannot answer, than answers I cannot question".

    Please think about that.


  • Finally-Free

    Thanks for your insight redjeep. Now I can throw out my books that were written by experts on the subject.


  • independent_tre
  • independent_tre

    According to Steven Hassan, a specialist regarding destructive cults, cults tend to have the following major themes:

    The doctrine is reality and not to be questioned. Acceptance is paramount to ones devotion as a witness, no matter how inconsistent or not understood. Is a devoted JW allowed to question the blood policy, or perhaps develop a different understanding of the 144K? Is it acceptable to hold a different viewpoint as a dub and still remain in good standing? Why do you think witness lingo calls their doctrine the ‘truth’?

    Reality is black or white, good vs evil. The doctrine allows no outside group or religion to be recognized as good or godly. We all know that you’re either worldly or a dub. There’s no in between and all churches, no matter how benevolent, are part of evil Christendom.

    Elitist mentality. Dubs know that they are better than everyone else as they will be the only people saved at Armageddon. I also know countless JWs that thought they were better than their neighbors, co-workers, educated persons, etc. Holier than thou is an understatement when you go door-to-door basically telling people that they’re going to die unless they listen to your ‘truth’.

    Group Will versus Individual Will. JW admonish individualism and vilify having and independent spirit.

    Strict obedience: Following the leader. Following the ‘slave’ is paramount. As a supposedly Christian religion, they’re constantly asking member to “follow the slave (GB)”, and Christ comes in as a second runner up. As a result, much of the rank and file end up subconsciously ‘merging’ the governing body and God (or Christ) himself. To disobey the governing body is to disobey Jehovah.

    Happiness through good performance. Does the bible ever mention time reports?

    Manipulation through fear and guilt. As a child, I was told that if I didn’t get baptized I would die a horrible death. I can still remember all the child-friendly artwork in the publications that had people running for their lives being burned in sulfur and hellfire. But even if you no longer believe the crap the WTS dishes out, you can’t just up and leave. Thousands are manipulated to stay against their will by the DF policy, and the fear then becomes losing one’s friends and family. If that isn’t manipulation, I don’t know what is.

    Emotional highs and lows. For the WTS to be the only organization on earth that is ‘right’, they certainly have a lot of depressed and overburdened members. Not only that, many continually experience burnout and depression as a result of the rigorous schedule imposed on them by the WTS, and made to feel guilty if they cannot keep up.

    Changes in time orientation. Many cults teach the apocalypse is just around the corner. Over the last several decades, many witnesses have put off marriage, having children, furthering their education, and as one poster put it “buying green bananas” because ‘we’re so close to the end’.

    No way out. In

  • independent_tre

    the last one was cut off:

    No way out. In a destructive cult, there is never a legitimate reason to leave. According to Hassan, "Unlike non-cult organizations that recognize a person's inherent right to choose to move on, mind control groups make it very clear that there is no legitimate reason to leave." As a witness, there is NEVER a valid reason to leave. Not changing your mind, illness, boredom, disagreement, moving...nothing. You can't leave, you have to be expelled and suffer those consequences. Former members are a direct threat to any cult.

  • cantleave

    Redjeep - It seems it has all been said. I just want emphasize the aspect of living apart from the rest of society. JW's say that they are living in the world but are no part of it.

    They exhibit behaviours that make them isolated, just ask a witness kid how integrated he or she feels at this time of year, not allowed to participate in any of the festive activities that his or her peers are involved with.

    Look at the way JW's dress, even the kids, they are in effect isolating themselves by the dress code enforced upon them by the society. JW's are told not to associated with worldly people, make your friends in the congregation, Those friendships result in a group regulation mentality, where members spy on each other.

    So my point is, you don't have to be living in an isolated community to be isolated from the rest of society.

  • sacdfan

    For all those lurking JWs out there who are having some doubts, think about this.....

    As a Christian, one is required to read the Bible. What could be more beneficial than to read the Word of God if you are a Christian - it's the most natural thing to do, otherwise how would you know what Christ taught if you weren't able to read it.

    Is there anything wrong with reading the Bible?

    Is there anything wrong with talking with friends and discussing what you have learned?

    Is there anything wrong with coming together as a small group to encourage one another by discussing a portion of God's Word?

    Then WHY does the WT Society stop people from doing exactly that?

    Since they dropped the book study group in homes, some JWs I know decided to get together on that night to do their own study. All hell broke loose! The elders of their congregation went mental! Anyone would have thought they were getting together for a satanic ritual! They were told that they were not to take it upon themselves to form their own group as this was dangerous and erroneous thinking would creep in.

    Can't JWs see the irony in this? A so-called Christian group bans its members from reading the Bible? WAKE UP all you JWs out there, please wake up! If this isn't a high-controlling cult, I don't know what is.


  • fokyc

    RedJeep, Welcome to JWN;

    Are you asking US? or are you telling us? It seems you don't know!

    Perhaps you could re-phrase your post?


  • JAFO


    Since they dropped the book study group in homes, some JWs I know decided to get together on that night to do their own study. All hell broke loose! The elders of their congregation went mental! Anyone would have thought they were getting together for a satanic ritual! They were told that they were not to take it upon themselves to form their own group as this was dangerous and erroneous thinking would creep in.
    Can't JWs see the irony in this? A so-called Christian group bans its members from reading the Bible? WAKE UP all you JWs out there, please wake up! If this isn't a high-controlling cult, I don't know what is.

    Ok.. so I've been out for 25 years.. I'd heard the book studies had stopped.. but this? is this a common reaction? Is there a thread about it?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


    It seems you don't.

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