What Irritates You?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I have to work tomorrow, Saturday. Also, it's gotten really cold where I am. Winter is officially here.

  • minimus

    sd, good list!

    djk, maybe you just have to initiate things.

  • minimus

    Being behind a slowwww drivers makes me CRAZY!

    Ditto for a cell phone driver who has no clue that they're going driving so slow and 50 cars are behind them.

  • snowbird

    iniate I take back what I wrote on the other thread about your spelling. I don't know what's wrong with this formatting.

  • DJK

    djk, maybe you just have to iniate things.

    I promise, I'll try harder.

  • Finally-Free
    I hate it when someone asks you a question and doesn't give you the oppprtunity to answer because the person just loves to hear their own voice.

    That's one of my beefs today - people who won't let you complete a single sentence without interruption. Then they say, "oh, you never said that". They don't hear because their stupid mouths are never shut long enough to hear anything but themselves.


  • Robdar

    People who act all sweet and polite but are actually controlling assholes.

  • minimus

    Robdar, I know what irritates you. Mixing up the b with the d.

  • littlerockguy

    A shopping cart with a bad wobbly vibrating wheel


  • dig692

    Things that irritate me:

    1. People who are walking 2 feet in front of me, open the door to a building, and don't hold it open. How rude! And similarly, people for whom I hold the door open and they just walk through and don't even acknowledge it or say thank you! Not that I do it to get a thanks out of, but still.

    2. When I'm the only person in a 20-stall bathroom and the very next person that comes in walks into the stall right next to mine! Argh!

    3. JWs that ramble in their comments at the WT study and don't even answer the question that was asked!

    4. JWs that comment about irrelevant and boring personal experiences and try to make it sound like the most eventful thing that ever happened.

    5. When the weather is windy and dry and I get all static-y and my hair gets frizzy. Ick!

    6. Two of the 6 elders in my local BOE. They think their sh*t don't stink and trust me, you can smell it from miles away!

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