did you find the dubs were always late?

by highdose 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    i found the higher up the socail rank the dubs got, the more tardy they were for everything, meetings, ministry. and of course when you invited them round. So many times i can remeber the food spoiling/burning and 45mins to an hour later they would decide to finaly turn up! This of coruse does not apply to assemblys ( getting the best seats) when they would somehow manage to always be early

  • blondie

    No, just a few were late. Some congreations had a little higher percentage. We found that the closer a person lived to the KH the later they were.

  • zoiks

    That seems pretty common to me. I remember one family that was notoriously late for everything. When the eldest son got married, I distinctly recall the rest of the family arriving, looking rather embarrassed, AFTER the bridal procession had ended and the wedding talk had begun. Of course, as famiy, their seats were at the front

  • cantleave

    The congregation is a reflection of normal society demographics. Some people will be late others early for everything. The early people despise those who are late.

  • patient

    This is an interesting topic - little lighter than some... although I agree with "cantleave" to a point I personally as a JW was conditioned to always "cram" more into the time available than can really be done and my family and many other JW familys I observed were seemingly often late. I think it comes with the demanding meetign study service schedule and trying to insert some normalcy into life - since being out I have become more relaxed no longer depressed and do not have the migrane headaches everyday I had - this is somthing I have truly never admitted until now that virtually everyday I had blinding headaches - for 15 years!! to the point I could not work even - now (been out 10 years!) I cannot remember my last one - sorry got off post but this really just hit me - also I an not late that much anymore....


  • teel

    That is a valid point Patient. I was about to say that too The obvious seems to be lost on my wife too, who never gets it why she has less time than the people around her. No, it's definately not the 20+ hours that goes weekly into slavery of the org... it must be something else! We also were often late, and the crammed lifestyle does have a big role in it. Highdose, you mentioned this worsens as one climbs the corporate ladder; the higher you are, the more work it's demanded of you.

  • WTWizard

    I have seen this a lot, usually because they are too determined to get "just one more call" before time to go to work (and they are late to work). At boasting sessions, I have seen the same ones that are consistently late (not because they get out of work late, but bad organization). I have seen people coming in 15 minutes late for field circus, coffee in one hand, struggling to drag themselves into the Kingdumb Hell or place of meeting. And, I have seen people call in 15 minutes late, needing to be picked up for field circus, and they are not ready when we get there.

    All well and good. The more time we waste on people showing up late and/or needing to be picked up and not being ready, the less time I get to meet another guy spitting blood into a mayonnaise jar (or, worse yet, a frog baby or something like that).

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I think it just depends on the hall. The one we are or I should say my husband is in the elders are always late. To the meeting for service at least 5 to ten minutes late. They barley get there on time for the school and service meetings. Most walk in right when the song starts. To me it was very rude. My elder husband always insisted that we be there at least 10 to 15 minutes early all the time and the other elders banked on that.

    To me it is just rude but I think that is just how some people are.

  • wobble

    Our Congo. (you know the one dear Highdose) was infamous for lateness,at the start of every meeting only 25% of the eventual attendees were ever there at best. It was quite a shame for, say a Public Speaker who had put a lot of effort in preparing, not that many did.

    People would drift in at any time, even just catching the last paragraph of the WT study. We were counselled on it many times, even by C.O's but it made no difference.A goodly number were just in it as a social club ,they still are.

    On one occasion,with a B.O.E of 10 or so, at the start not ONE Elder was there !

    It was a fun Congo. though,because it was so laid-back.



  • Magwitch

    wt wizard: And, I have seen people call in 15 minutes late, needing to be picked up for field circus, and they are not ready when we get there.

    This was my ex. We pioneered together for twelve years and 90% of the time we would go back to pick him up after the meeting for field service, we would then all wait in the car an additional 20 minutes while he took a shower. His public talks always ran 15 minutes overtime and heaven forbid if he had the final sevice meeting talk - we all got an extra 10-20 minutes to sit blurry eyed and then we were treated to a 9 minute prayer.

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