Who believes in the POWER OF PRAYER?????

by whereami 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • goldensky

    I fully agree with you, Caedes. Prayer is OK as long as you don't fail to do your utmost to solve the problem yourself to the extent you reasonably can, like the pilot should obviously have done.

    Actually, I forgot to add to my first post that as I was falling asleep yesterday I heard a voice inside me (my own, of course) saying: "Olga, you are probably as irrational as the lady you visited today, but don't let that worry you. Keep on praying as long as it gives you a measure of pleasure and comfort. After all, you are not hurting anybody..." ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (I don't know if it means the same in English, what I mean is that I next fell peacefully asleep)...

  • carpediem

    I used to. I realised after begging God for help on my hands and knees on numerous occasions that the only person who was going to change anything was me.

  • BurnTheShips

    I certainly do. For those that believe, no further evidence is necessary, for those that do not, no further evidence is sufficient.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I certainly do. For those that believe, no further evidence is necessary, for those that do not, no further evidence is sufficient

    I would welcome any evidence that prayer is effective beyond the placebo effect.

  • carpediem

    Burn the Ships I disagree with your statement 'For those that believe, no further evidence is necessary, for those that do not, no further evidence is sufficient'. Concrete evidence would convince me there was a creator. Unfortunately there isn't any and that leaves me with the conclusion that a silent God means NO God.

  • Lieu

    It works for me.

    I'm reminded of the saying, "Pray to God but row away from the rocks."

  • AuntBee

    If you mean by the "power of prayer", you asked for a certain request, and it happened.............I'm not sure i see that very often.

    The way i look at it, though, i do believe it has power.

    " 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. " -- I believe that i have experienced this, that praying about things about which I am anxious and worrying, does often result in an experience of the peace of God here spoken of.

    I know also that when i pray for others, my love and concern for them is increased. It takes me out of my own little world of hurt and problems, and forces me to see behind the eyes of those around me, and care more about their sufferings. -- (and I'm not implying at all that those who don't believe in prayer don't care about others....... )

  • donny

    I also would give credible evidence a serious look. I sincerely wish the afterlife beliefs were true, but me believeing such a thing without any evidence does not make it anymore true. As has been mentioned already, everyone I have spoken to who has some kind of supernatural experience reflects the enviroment in which they are a part of. When I lived in Texas, a guy told me that he had a vision of heaven and it was so beautiful. He talked about all of the trees and lakes and "barbed wire" fences that he saw. And he was most sincere in his belief.


  • caliber

    Our prayers must mean something to us if they are to mean anything to God."
    Maltbie D. Babcock --

    The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."
    F.B. Meyer --

    The expression goes" never give up hope."....... prayer is intense focused hope , if you can find no other reason or faith

    in prayer as such then remember this thought.. one day you may be pleasantly surprised !!!!

  • caliber

    Can the power of prayer be proven ?... some interesting thoughts here ... http://www.plim.org/PrayerDeb.htm

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