The Great Crowd Don't Even Inherit the Earth.

by cantleave 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • e-watchman

    According to the 2nd chapter of Hebrews God made Jesus a little lower than the angels and because Jesus was faithful to God under trial Jehovah has given the earth to him. Essentially, because Jesus was a perfect man and retained his perfection under test, Jesus has replaced Adam as the inheritor of God's original mandate to fill the earth and have in subjection the fish of the sea, etc. And because the chosen ones are part of Christ and will fully share his inheritance, they may be properly said to inherit the earth too.

    Keep in mind that the earthly survivors of Armageddon and those who will yet be resurrected onto the earth will still be sinful and not really qualified to carry out the mandate given to Adam. But, after the 1,000 years those who are blessed to attain human perfection will at last inherit the earth in the manner Jehovah originally intended for his earthly children.

    robert king / The Watchman's Post

  • cantleave

    So why does it take 1000 years for the great crowd to reach perfection by the FDS are perfect the moment they are ressurected? How is fair? Especially when you consider they are FDS only because the time period in which they were born (except of course the magically annointed 50 somethings on GB). I still say MR e-watchman, that is is a crock of crap.

  • e-watchman

    Hi Can'tLeave

    All persons who are part of the body of Christ are granted perfection even before they are resurrected, provided, of course, they are faithful unto death. As for those resurrected back onto the earth, keep in mind that the vast majority of resurrectees will be persons who were not disciples of Christ. Think of it, the Philistines are going to be resurrected, the Moabites, the Mayans and Aztecs, billions of Chinese, Arabs, heck, Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes too; all sorts of people. But, they have to prove that they are willing to obey Christ as their king before they can earn the right of human perfection. Sounds fair to me.

    Robert King / The Watchman's Post

  • frankiespeakin


    And so with all these people being resurrected it will leave about what 10 square feet per person where we gonna get all the food to feed them. It seems like under those conditions it could hardly be described as "Paradise".

  • e-watchman

    "And so with all these people being resurrected it will leave about what 10 square feet per person where we gonna get all the food to feed them. It seems like under those conditions it could hardly be described as "Paradise".

    The earth is actually under-inhabited presently. Vast portions of the planet are virtually uninhabited and uncultivated while billions of people are crammed into urban areas. The planet has about 47 millions square miles of land, which means there are currently about 5 acres per person for earth's 6 billion. Let's say there will be 25 billion resurrected counting children born into the new world, that would mean, roughly, that each person would have one acre. Of course, people do not live solitary lives. Most people live in family groups. So, if each person has an acre, that would mean a family of five, for example, would have five acres. And, as for food production, the Promised Land was once described by God as the Garden of Eden. When the Israelite spies first went into the land they brought back one bunch of grapes that was so huge it had to be carried by two men on a pole. Here are a few factoids

  • frankiespeakin


    I see you still hold to alot of the factoids that the WT used years ago might I suggest that you examine them a little closer for their factual content for instance you mentioned:

    Here are a few factoids th

    What really is a factoid? Here is the def:

    1: an invented fact believed to be true because of its appearance in print

    2: a briefly stated and usually trivial fact

    So factoids generally aren't very useful interesting perhaps but not good at coming to valuable conclusions.

    The earth is actually under-inhabited presently. Vast portions of the planet are virtually uninhabited and uncultivated while billions of people are crammed into urban areas.

    The planet has about 47 millions square miles of land, which means there are currently about 5 acres per person for earth's 6 billion.
    Let's say there will be 25 billion resurrected counting children born into the new world, that would mean, roughly, that each person would have one acre.

    First off you and our reader recognize this as reasoning straight from the WT. You, I and the readers need to realize the WT is not really interested in giving fact but factoids that support their already drawn conclusions.

    Second these figures are highly distorted as they don't take into account vast deserts and mountainous regions and presupposes god turning every square foot of dry land into a place where humans can live and cultivate for food without much room for anything else.

    Thirdly they go on the presumption that man has only been on this earth for six thousand years and so the resurrection figure is low balled to your 25 billion figure.

    Scientifically this 6,000 yrs thing is easily proven wrong as the evidence is massive so as to be laughable to any seriously minded person interested in really checking out the facts which I would like to suggest you do, and do it without prejudice and with an open mind unfettered by years of indoctrination you have received from the WT organization.

  • e-watchman

    My question is: How do you make the quote from a poster appear in a box?

  • frankiespeakin


    the quote doesn't work too well but look up to your center right and click on styles box you can figure out from there.

  • frankiespeakin

    Testing block quotes go run slow

    testing html

    <blockquote>adam and eve not steve<blockquote>

    Styles works but not perfected yet.
  • e-watchman
    the quote doesn't work too well but look up to your center right and click on styles box you can figure out from there.


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