607 and 1914 etc ----help please

by AdaMakawee 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GotTheGhost

    Will as the brother (family) that she is talking about thank you all for the info! The fact is I dont give a crap about what my family thinks anymore! I been out for nearly 20 years now and THANK GOD! What sad angry little people we can be when we shake our tiny little hands with our tiny little books and shovle what we belive down each others nick holes! My God who I may chose to call bob tomarrow as the mood strikes me, knows what is in my heart and what my soul has become if I belive every thing I see or read then what room is there for the human experence? Why bother, why not just wipe us all out! AND ya I have seen UFO's 4times in my life want to get a JW on the run my first time I was with a group of 10 sober fokes! Love the look on there faces as they scramble to jump from deamons to hallucinations! Ha punks! Some people just are not ment to understand. That is ok you cant teach the unteachable! Let them be as blind and def it is there lives. Or get pissed and shove there crap back on them dont fight with them about numbers and facts! Its never that hard. Kill them with kindness and love! Be a better servent to God then they could ever be, if they still dont get it then they never will, or not yet!

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