Do you still read the bible?

by boyzone 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • boyzone

    Hi Teel

    I understand you. I sort of have the same feeling. I still believe in God, and that the Bible is God's word. I do read it now and then though. My problem is that when I read it and get to some well known verse, the JW training kicks in and reinterprets things for me. That is not a pleasant feeling.

    I'm with you there..the JW training actually frightens me, I know that sounds daft and I can't really explain it but I don't want to keep "watchtowerizing" the scriptures but don't know how to be any different. The bible has always made me feel guilty anyway and I'm tired of being made to feel no good all the time. Your idea of a children's bible might help.

  • LockedChaos

    On occasion

    I prefer more modern fiction though

    I really enjoy Fantasy and Horror

    You do get both in the bible though

  • lovelylil2

    I do read the bible daily.

    I would suggest for anyone newly out of the WT who still has an interest in the bible, to purchase another version of the Bible, one that is written in modern english and is easy to understand. I like the New International Version, NIV although I do own several other translations as well. The NWT is biased to WT teachings and has 200 errors in the New testament.

    Reading the New Testament is a good start to really see what Christianity is all about. The chapters that helped me the most to break down WT thinking are these; Hebrews, Romans and Galatians.

    I would suggest that you pray first and ask God to open your heart and mind to what is true. Then be ready to accept what the bible actually says as compared to the way the WT interprets it. Read each scripture in its context to get the proper meaning. Only after you decide what the verse is saying then by all means look at a bible commentary for another opinion if you wish. I like the Nelson Compact Bible Commentary.

    Take your time and re-read the passages over again. Do not worry if you do not understand the meaning at first. You will eventually get the understanding. You will see what true simple Christian teachings are all about and learn the importance of Jesus Christ in a believers life. Good luck and I'll be praying for you too. Peace, Lilly

  • snowbird
    Do not worry if you do not understand the meaning at first. You will eventually get the understanding. You will see what true simple Christian teachings are all about and learn the importance of Jesus Christ in a believers life. Good luck and I'll be praying for you too.

    Peace, Lilly

    Lilly, you are a true follower of the Master.


  • chickpea

    take a bible study with a mainline group

    i did a 7 week study with the lutherans here
    using an ecumenical study guide directed toward
    inclusion of the queer community in mainline churches...
    "what the bible really says about homosexuality"

    ( i told them from the outset i was XJW, i wasnt looking
    for a home church and my only reason in doing the "study"
    was to have a moderate discussion point with non-fanatics
    about being queer and christian)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Don't read it anymore.

    I am agnostic. I don't know where God can be found, or if he can, but I don't think I could ever find a loving God there.


  • GromitSK

    I don't see any value in reading the Bible. You might find it useful to leave the damn book alone for while (depending on how long you have been away from the WTS). Maybe when life is settled and you have some equilibrium you will be in a better position to assess the claims made by those who follow this book and form your own view based on research.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I think these point out that it's not WHAT you read but HOW you read.

    I suggest that solid middle-of-the-road background material would help break the NWT influence. By that, I do not mean commentaries but information on the people and their lives at the time a Bible piece was written. It is critical to understand that these writers were not writing to us, they were writing to their own people, dealing with an immediate and local need, using their own local idioms and ideas.

    Books that are suitable for providing such background material depend on your own level of comprehension. I find the series of Dictionaries published by IVP most enlightening and balanced in their view ("Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch", and "Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books", are two of the titles. They also have "Dictionary of the New Testament" titles available.)

    Other similar books often go under the title of "Old Testament Survey" and similar.

    Discovering how the Bible came into existence is another direction of study.

    In other words, climb outside the limited view that the WTS shackled you with and see the Bible as a very human book, written by people for people. Which means that you do not read it through the eyes of our culture.


  • PSacramento

    I read the NT everyday, just start from the first book and read it till I am done and then start over.

    Everytime I read it I get something new from it.

    Sometimes for the better even, LOL !

  • wobble

    I do not read now as much as I did when I first left the WT.

    Then I got myself a good modern version, prayed and then read, and things jumped out of the page at me in away I had not experienced in 58 years as a Bible reading JW.

    But in recent weeks I have been looking at things in more of a Doug Mason way, it does not diminish the bible, but it opens up such a new field of study and experience for me that I have to re-appraise all my previous reading.

    I still think the Bible is more than just literature, somehow the hand of God is in there, but we have to find out where.

    The one thing I have come to believe recently is that it does not matter what you believe, what YOUR exegesis of scripture is, it is how you live your life that is important, live by the Golden Rule,do to others what you want them to do to you, and even if everything else you believe is wrong, you will only do good in your life.



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