I had a REALLY big first in my life today!!!.....

by oompa 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn
  • thomas15

    Hi ommpa,

    I'm happy to hear that you are doing well and your not writing off completly the Christian faith. One of the things you may notice if you continue to dabble with christiandom is that while each protestant group has their unique theology, it is OK and actually encouraged that you read and study alternate belief systems. This is one of the things I think is weird about the WT, they want to place their materials with protestants and catholics but the dubs themselves are in for it if they read something by a protestant writer. How can someone know that they are right if they have never studied the wrong? If the WT has so much joy to offer, why would they be afraid of the dubs reading "apostate" material?

    Of course we know the answer but it is good to see that you are getting your mojo back.


  • AuntBee

    "and there are prob great babe opportunities there....lol....." That's pretty funny!! Just don't send them any messages using your M.F. avatar!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am happy that you had a good time. There is nothing wrong with going along with friends for social reasons.
    Just do yourself a favor- don't go along with some "great babe opportunities" beliefs just to score. You know that could be a repeat of what you just got out of.

  • LouBelle

    babes babes babes - ja women appreciate that - not.

    I attended a church like that and outgrew it in 3 months. You're right though - great social life goes on at churches. Careful though, just now a christian girl will have god lay it on her heart that you are to be her husband.

  • sir82

    That's something the JWs will never figure out, I reckon - that religious messages must be presented in an appealing way in order to have any hope of success.

    JW meeting have not fundamentally changed in 60+ years. Dress up in stuffy clothes, sit and listen to a dull lecture, sing without tune or emotion, pray in a monotone for the exact same things time after time...

    The quality of the meetings is appalling. Any JW who attended any other type of event that was presented in such a mind-numbingly boring fashion would walk out after 5 minutes...but they'll sit through the dreck at a Kingdom Hall for 2 hours and talk about how "refreshing" and "encouraging" it was. Blagh!

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