Through a Darkened Pane

by compound complex 730 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, Syl, that is a regret many of us have.

    At this point in life we cannot afford ourselves the luxury of tomorrow: do it now! I appreciate your putting up this thread as, at last, I have a continuing, unraveling theme in mind; it came to me last night. Wouldn't you know it - you gave a clue in your post above:

    The peculiar thing is that if I'm visiting one, through the "aura" we humans leave behind, I can get a sense of whether the inhabitants were happy, sad, bitter, angry, etc.

    Many thanks and deepest gratitude.

    CoCo de la Vieille Maison

  • snowbird

    CoCo de la Vieille Maison


    You are a hot mess!

    Glad to help in any way I can.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Joyce Kilmer wrote a poem The house with nobody in it

    I memorized that poem when i was young because it meant something to me even though i was probably only eleven at the time and i still have it packed nicely away in my brain.

  • snowbird

    Isn't he the poem as lovely as a tree guy?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, snowbird. He was a sergeant, I believe, in WWI. Thanks, Nancy, for the reference ...


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Not only was Howard an unremittingly unctuous man whose oily manner insinuated him into matters not his own, but the antimacassar upon his favorite chair - a ratty old wing back - was beyond all redemption, any salvation. Aunty Meryl sighed over her dilemma of tidy housekeeping and wished her wretched husband to spend more time in the local pub and less in her parlor.

    This I viewed and knew innately - I, the omniscient narrator - as I peered through the opening I had created between mullion and transom. Yet, the images proffered me were scarcely vivid in color and texture and becoming fainter and fainter by increasing degrees ...

  • snowbird

    Do continue ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    It is not chains that bind me to the position I now hold ... and, that, for a lengthy time now.

    I stand motionless, my eyes peering through dark curtains, they fixed steadily upon cheerful passersby on the street below my third-storey bedroom window. By their simply being out and about in the daytime sun I infer that, in contrast to my placid self, these happy souls are at peace with the world. Not so long ago would I have been a companion to them all, as I was democratic in my tastes, enjoying the society of all my town's citizenry.

    After my abrupt withdrawal from constant companionship, these, my true friends, inquired after my state, leaving their cards with Hayworth as he, my faithful butler, politely but firmly turned them all away. Consequently, they ceased further inquiry into my health and caught up with their own lives and made tracks elsewhere. Needless to say, my doorway has not been brightened by old friends for a considerable time.

    Though the August sun has been burning with her characteristic, seasonal fire, I cannot for the life of me be rid of this penetrating, bone-biting chill that has settled in at my core. When, one day, I had casually regarded my overall aspect in the bevelled glass of Mother's wardrobe mirror, I was taken aback by an aggressive increase in pallor, a thinness not at all me, a mallen streak creeping up my scalp. Months passed, with myself confined to what had once been Mother's suite and refusing with all my might to allow my curious eyes to wander toward the honesty of silvered glass. With the passage of time, I completely left off wondering about that horrid reflection cast in glass.

    Despite my image's incremental change over time - I one day forced myself to look head on into that dread mirror - what frightened me most was that it was fading ...

    And so, too, I....

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    A package arrived for Dorian Gray

    It sat on the porch throughout the day

    that afternoon when the storms blew through

    the package held as if with glue

    the week went by the package sat

    and on the top a kitty sat

    as months went by the neighbors stared

    some passed by quick cause they were scared

    why did he never bring it in

    a mystery would now begin

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    She sat every morning before the mirror in the tiny bedroom on Fourtenth Street, and there came a day when she admitted that her face was telling a story that did'nt please her.

    She was only 31, but the features she traced gently on the mirror before touching her icy temple with the same finger seemed not older but emptier, less legible than ten-even two-years before: like the blanched pages of a book after the words have disapeared.

    She was a woman who dreamed alot....

    Carlos Fuentes

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