records of disfellowshipped people being destroyed?

by asilentone 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Remember that the elders send in a form to the WTS on every df and da. I'm sure they have a database on all these names.

    It would be interesting for jws from the UK to explain how df records are handled under the Data Protection Act.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I wonder what they do with the records of those who are inactive for many years

  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    Getting off topic, I have a friend in the far east and he is moving into the Luxury toilet paper business, he wants watchtower and awake specifically, and wonders how he can get 25 million copies a month-do they still give them away free, if so we are in business. Quite a novel idea actually, and because its all false prophecy and no hope stuff anyway, maybe wiping ones arse with these are all they are fit for.....any help?

  • asilentone

    No longer held captive, you are not welcome to hijack my thread, start your own thread. Thank you!

  • blondie

    Records being discussed I think are notes/files of judicial committees. As far as I know there are no such official files on "inactive" jws. But there are publisher cards which contain limited information, name, address, phone #, other sheep/anointed, elder/MS/reg pio and the numbers they posted on their time slips are posted. One keeper of the cards told me that they kept them back for 8 years. They do keep these cards for inactive, df'd and da'd. The elders are directed by visit the df'd and da'd once a year as long as they aren't "belligerent." I remember one year that elder took the cards out of the "box" the CO checked over and the CO was not amused. They do put them in the back of the box labeling them as inactive, df'd or da'd. I don't know if the COs review the publisher cards any more.

    Of course, the UK has their Data Protection Act which means they have their own way of dealing with this kind of information.

  • creativhoney

    they destroy disfellowshipped people now? and keep records?

    or is there some punctuation missing

  • trueblue

    Anyone know whether they keep records of DA'd people longer than 5 years? I've been DA'd for over 20 years...

    I seen an elder holding a letter of self DA that was nearly 40 years old. The person that wrote the letter did not know that it was a letter to DA self, and no one talked to this person about the letter until almost 40 years later.

  • blondie

    5 years is the minimum. Some body of elders keep records even after the person has died but that is their choice not the norm.

  • RubaDub

    They probably will only keep the notes on the "juicy" committee meetings, i.e. the teenage sister who was doing 3 brothers at the same time. The more details, the longer it is kept.

    Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    Some ex-elders on JWN have told about how disorganized the JC files were and how they had to straighten them up. My husband said that the notes he kept were limited. I know some might think that the elders keep a file on every publisher but that is not true. I can't say there isn't a rare congregation that is that anal but more likely they have messy files.

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