There's A Ghost At My Place Of Employment

by finallysomepride 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oldseeker

    OMG! I just noticed the post number of my last post. I have to post again to get rid of that! Just kidding. I should add that in all of the experiences I have had with "ghosts" if you will, I have not had any personal "attacks". I have been present when others have had these problems and have seen them, and experienced them, but not on my own.

    All of what I am relating took place a long time ago, in the 70's encompassing most of the 70's. I don't hear much of these attacks today. Maybe because I'm not an elder and not privy to them. I have heard some experiences, but they are rare. Maybe the demons are busy with something else, like breaking up JW families (couldn't resist).


  • JWoods

    I think I met Satan himself on a sidewalk in Las Vegas. He was disguised as a card hustler.

    He said to me - "come on Cowboy, take a chance - you get five cards, I only have three..."

  • daniel-p

    I know all about what JWs would say, but as I & most of you are no longer JWs what do you think about the subject of ghosts etc? any thoughts.

    This is what I think: If ghosts do exist, why is there not one shred of objective, verifiable, repeatable evidence proving so? Why is there ONLY testomonial evidence?

    Second, if they do exist, why are they so intent on opening and closing doors, moving around everyday objects, looking out of windows, brushing against people, and otherwise acting like morons fascinated with the most banal activities? I'd think supernatural creatures would have way more interesting things to do.

  • daniel-p

    I see that there are quite a few who don't believe in ghosts or "demons". I wouldn't either except that I have had a number of experiences with what I will call demons. As an elder I helped a few of the publishers with "problems" they had with "demons", and I mean that literally. This ranged from rocking chairs rocking in the living room with no one in them, lights going on and off by themselves, doors opening and shutting on their own. I saw these things. The one that made the most impression on me was the "poltergeist" demon (a demon that throws things). An older sister was having a problem with one of these and I got to see what was happening. This demon would take books out of the bookshelf in her bedroom and throw them across the room to crash into the wall on the other side. That will get your attention!

    OK, so let me get this straight. You saw, in person, books flying off a shelf across the room. You also saw, in person, chairs starting to rock back and forth from a stand-still, with no one beside them and nothing in them, and no wind or anything else that could otherwise move them? You were 100% sober, and not under the influence of any substance, and of completely sound mind? You can pinpoint the days when this happen, and remember the context in which they occurred?

  • Robdar

    I used to live in a rental house where the toilet lids would slam down, clocks without batteries would start running, and small, perfectly circular puddles of water would appear in the middle of the kitchen floor. There would be times when we would be sitting in the dinning room and you could feel something running around room.

    I decided to move when my boyfriend and I were watching tv one night and a vase of flowers slowly slid lengthwise across the coffee table and on to the floor. Hell, the house wasn't that awesome and certainly not worth fighting a poltergeist over.

  • daniel-p

    the "poltergeist" demon (a demon that throws things)

    I wonder if there's a demon that craps on lawns.

  • oldseeker

    Yeah. I saw the books flying across the room with no "body" throwing them. Other than that I'm pretty normal. I don't drink, wasn't into drugs and was an elder at the time. Although as you know being an elder doesn't make you free of drugs and alcohol. But, yes I remember the events that I listed here and there were others as well. Some of this I'm trying not to be too specific on. If you want to pm me I could give you more specifics.


  • Joshnaz

    I believe you that your hearing these things but, I myself do not believe in paranormal things anymore.

  • Robdar

    Main Entry: polĀ·terĀ·geist Pronunciation: \ ' pol-t?r- ? gist\ Function: noun Etymology: German, from poltern to knock + Geist spirit Date: 1848

    : a noisy usually mischievous ghost held to be responsible for unexplained noises (as rappings)

  • Finally-Free

    Many things we take for granted today would have been considered "supernatural" just a few hundred years ago. I'm open to the possibility that life forms exist that are not yet detectable by our current technology, and that this could change at some future time. That doesn't necessarily mean they are "ghosts", "angels", or "demons". It just means we haven't yet reached the level of science necessary to define such phenomena.


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