What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?

by cognac 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    Hi needshelp!

  • fokyc

    Who's there? Angel Eyes or needs help ?

  • fokyc

    Who's there? Angel Eyes or needs help ?

    Or ghost of Reniaa?

  • isaacaustin

    LOL She actually has enough nerve to show up here.

  • cognac

    Oh really Isaac!!! Thanks for correcting my view, I'll reread the information tonight. ae - I feel like he is a cause of a lot of divisions not only in the cong of his day, but now down to our day. However, it doesn't seem like he was ever corrected and was speaking in behalf of God. Jesus seemed just so much more loving and forgiving. Please show me your opinion of how you feel I could be viewing him incorrectly. I'm open to learning!

  • AllTimeJeff

    I think Paul is a problem character in the bible for me. His mysoginism and cruelty are at odds with Jesus for the most part. There is a reason why the phrase "Pauline Christianity" is used...

    I find the gospels far more appealing then anything Paul wrote, on those rare occasions when I crack open the bible...

  • cognac

    Oh, please don't run Angel Eyes of this thread! He really helped me in another thread and I really want to hear his viewpoint...

  • cognac

    Oh, sorry... I got angel eyes and aguest mixed up. Aguest - you around???

  • isaacaustin

    For instance Cognac...1 Cor 7 begins as such:

    1 2 3 Now in regard to the matters about which you wrote: "It is a good thing for a man not to touch a woman,"
    but because of cases of immorality every man should have his own wife, and every woman her own husband.

    Paul is dicscussing what they wrote in a letter to him...and quoting them.

    1 Cor 11 he is still refuting things they wrote to him, as he does all throut...remember he begins in ch 1 by telling them they are all in Christ- not followers of man.

    8 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head unveiled?
    Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears his hair long it is a disgrace to him,
    whereas if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because long hair has been given (her) for a covering?
    But if anyone is inclined to be argumentative, we do not have such a custom, nor do the churches of God.

    Hope this is somewaht helpful...I have not written much here..but lok throughout and you will see this trend.

  • Satanus

    'In embracing a doctrine that was foreign to him, a convert thinks he has made a step toward himself, while he is just trying to elude his problems. To escape lack of self-confidence – his chief feeling – he offers himself to the first cause chance presents to him. Once he possesses the “truth”, he will avenge himself over the others of his past insecurities, of his past fears. '

    Sounds reasonably acurate. This is similar to my dad's conversion to jwism. Rutherd fits this description, as well.


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