Valley Farms Corp. What do they protect with it?

by MinisterAmos 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rebel8
    Valley Farms is a corporation maintained to pay taxes on residential parcels.

    Are you able to share your source? From what I can tell, they are tax exempt?


  • blondie

    But he is; you might have mispelled his first name:


    Search Results: 1 Returned

    Attorney Name
    (Click name for details)
    City State Year
    1PHILIP BRUMLEY 2224871PattersonNY1988Currently registered

  • cameo-d

    Brimstone road?

    What is it...the path to hell?

    Very fitting name.

  • MinisterAmos

    Anyone notice that the neighbor to the North has an ICBM silo in the back-yard?

    Either that or it's an open pit to HELL

  • lrkr

    Are you able to share your source? From what I can tell, they are tax exempt?

    I may be mistaken- but that's what I remember- They have several property holding companies- some of which are used to pay taxes on property. (source is my recollection- may be slipping- I am trying to forget as much as possible!!)

  • peacedog

    Makes me wonder whether other WT$ lawyers are also living high on the hog.......

  • WT=watchtrouble

    $425,000 for a mansion, now that is cheap. Considering here in Qld Australia $425,000 is the average house price for 4bedroom 2 bathroom house.

  • Quandry

    It warms my heart to know that as my husband and I struggled to make ends meet while working at menial jobs so as not to miss meetings, and foregoing an education, we were nevertheless contributing to put young Phillip through law school.

  • MinisterAmos

    $425,000 for a mansion, now that is cheap. Considering here in Qld Australia $425,000 is the average house price for 4bedroom 2 bathroom house.

    Read much? Try that comprehension stuff, it can be fun sometimes.

    (Actually, accepting everything at face value is an honored Dub trait I guess.....)

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    You can find more info at the Putnam County Real Estate site. Scroll down a bit and click the agree to continue. Enter the address and when the parcel comes up click info. Check the Real Property Taxes tab. For 131 Brimstone the amounts are zero. If you go to the GIS map and click on the neighbor's house and find the tax info, the dollar amounts are shown. I wonder how the neighbors feel about what appears to be a tax exempt house occupied by a lawyer?

    The County GIS map shows a different house for 131 Brimstone than Google.

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