
by tryingtoexit 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • tryingtoexit

    Okay so I'm very very very close to presenting ALL my evidence for why I no longer want to be a JW to my parents and my wife. We will be together just the 4 of us during the Christmas season as we have that time off. I've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.

    But one thing I am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in Revelation.

    I know many Chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" I cant figure out:

    What happens after the birds have the Great Meal Of God?

    What happens after the Great Tribulation and Armageddon??

    Why would God do so much on earth if everybody is suppose to go to heaven anyway???

    I just need a clearer perspective on these things especially concerning will there really be a "new system" (of course not the way JW's invision it) or will everyone simply go to heaven....

    Any type of information/help/direction will be greatly appreciated...

  • leavingwt
    presenting ALL my evidence for why I no longer want to be a JW to my parents and my wife

    This is probably a recipe for disaster. Trust us on this one. We've been throug hit.

    Most of this stuff will better be left unsaid. If they ever question your beliefs, you can ASK THEM QUESTIONS rather than asserting something different in the positive.

    They DON'T want to know about your new beliefs. They already have the "true religion". You will become an Agent of Satan the Devil.

    Try, with all your might, to look at this situation from there viewpoint. You have a perspective on things that they CANNOT understand.

    Have you read Hassan's book? Specifically, his second book, 'Releasing the Bonds'? For those in the JWs, it's not about dates/facts/evidence/old WT magazines/books. They are captive to the concept that WT is God's Organization.

    Their entire "spiritual career", they've been preparing for the moment that someone close to them "turns away from Jehovah". Congratultions! You're now that person. They ALREADY know how to dismiss you. They've been trained from infancy on how to dismiss you -- no matter how sincere you are and no matter how close you are to them.

    Dismissing you PROVES to Jehovah just how loyal to Him they really are. They store up SERIOUS treasure in Heaven. They will not miss out on this opportunity to oppose the Devil (you).

    It's a sad commentary, but in 99.9% of cases, it's true.

  • Georgiegirl

    Wow. You're about to be in for a huge roller coaster. I certainly can't tell you what to do and everyone needs to approach this in their own way, but is hitting your parents and wife with a 1 year plus of research all at once going to be the best approach? Imagine if you were still mind controlled and got hit all at'd go into major defense mode and would completely shut down. Again, you know the people involved intimately and I don't, but I fear for your relationships if you go all Apostate Samurai on their as**es. ;)

    As far as your other answers - I have no idea. I don't really consider myself a "christian" anymore and don't believe that the bible is the ONLY book with any spiritual value.

    I hope it works well for you.

  • Georgiegirl

    EXACTLY what leavingwt just said - I think he said it much better! :)

  • tryingtoexit

    I appreciate your comments and I still want to share my thoughts with my family, we are very close and if they shun me, it's a sacrifice I am willing to take, I can NOT stand by and let my parents or my wife continue in the cult. And, if I loose the battle, at least I swung the bat ya dig?

    Once again I really appreciate your concern and advice, but I just need to be "schooled" to what those things really mean (the questions I asked)

    I am prepared for the worse and I couldnt agree more with you guys but it's a risk I am willing to take

  • snowbird

    1 Corinthians 2:1 -2 You'll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God's master stroke, I didn't try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified. MSG

    If I were you, I would do as the Apostle Paul did - keep it plain and simple.

    I would calmly state that the WT has a history of deception and failed prophecies and I no longer believe they speak for God.

    Short. Sweet. Simple.



  • leavingwt
    if they shun me

    Deep down, we all think that our own situation is "different", that our families are "special", that they couldn't abandon us.

    Well, unfortunately, we're up against a MONSTER.

    They WILL shun you. This is the assumption that you need to operate under.

    Shunning you is no different than attending a meeting -- it's a requirement.

    It would be helpful to reflect upon your goal. If you goal is to leave, you can do this without explaining the true reasons. This will prevent you from being an "apostate". If your goal is to speak your mind, this doesn't have to happen now. It can happen 20 years from now, 30 years from now. It can happen now, with non-JW family members.

  • snowbird

    I don't know, LWT, they may not shun him.

    The questions you have regarding Revelation, TTE, will be worked out in due time. Truth is, no one has the answers.

    Again, blessings.


  • tryingtoexit

    Thanks again to a-ebody, I know yall just lookin out for me. And that means alot, because nobody else would take the time to help me like that. But maybe I will keep it short and simple, it's just when I first started having doubts, I had 3 pages worth of questions, and me and my father (over the phone) had a great conversation. He admitted alot didnt make sense he just kept saying "Jesus said if you dont believe me believe the works" so I had convinced my elder father of alot of things and he treated me no different, maybe it's because I am an only child, I'm his only offspring you know?

    But like I said I'm prepared for the worst, I'm not trying to give no elaborate speeches or come across as this know it all, and they know my personality is nothing like that. I'm just basically saying here's the facts/reasons why I'm leaving, you agree? Cool, let's have a discussion, you dont agree? So what I'm still leaving and if I have to loose you in the process at least I tried. Yall might think my logic is strange but thats how I see it...

    I guess I'll keep researching and studying, thanks again yall.

  • snowbird
    I guess I'll keep researching and studying,

    thanks again yall.


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