Do you ever turn off the music?

by compound complex 20 Replies latest social humour

  • poppers

    Yes, I like to turn off the music, the TV, the radio. What's even better is turning off the noise of the mind - ahhh ... silence, blessed silence.

  • bigwilly

    I was actually just thinking the other day about one thing I missed from the dub days. It was the few minutes alone in the dark early on Saturday morning before I met up for the laudromat circuit. Something about the dark and quiet was very peaceful to me. It's not something I've thought about or taken part in for several years and I've been considering a little "alone in the dark time". . .

  • poppers

    Something about the dark and quiet was very peaceful to me. It's not something I've thought about or taken part in for several years and I've been considering a little "alone in the dark time". . .

    Go for it - those quiet times reveal reality. Let go of the noise and busyness of the mind and you will discover something wonderful - you as you truly are.

  • cantleave

    Hate to quote scripture but there is a "time for everything". I love total silence on occasion. I also make time to turn the stereo up when the mood is right.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, dear lovers of music and silence.

    Yes, a time for everything. And Rocco, too! Tinnitus - new thoughts for me on how one deals with it. I am also sans coche, but the car's radio ne was working pas anyway. And differing tastes in music. So many reasons ...

    Great thoughts, all. To think that my original perspective was "I want silence!"

    Many thanks.


  • finallysomepride

    I have to admint there are still a couple of JW tunes that pop into my head regularly, but my fav music is, but not bcoz they would be like really coarse sandpaper on the bare backs of the jws, but bcoz purely the great sound & that's the Red Hot Chili Peppers, could listen all day every day , well almost!

  • four candles
    four candles

    We have music on all day which we enjoy,but it is nice sometimes to have a bit of quiet,maybe relaxing in the garden on a sunny day,or observing a clear starry night and watching for shooting stars. It's amazing that no sound at all comes from them,when you see them on TV programmes there is always a 'wooshing' noise.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Interesting about RHCP and whooshing stars, finally and four. Some new thoughts there for me ... I only just discovered Pink Floyd on Sunday. Boy, am I late to the party!



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I think I first listened to A Saucer Full of Secrets on a portable record player on a sandy riverbank after consuming a cow pat worth of mushrooms with some good mates some time in 1970. I still have my original LP.


  • finding my way
    finding my way

    interesting question I used to listen to music constantly!!! I figured out that it was because I couldn't handle dealing with my thoughts. It helped me mask emotions. Now that I've worked through some things I find that I Naturally listen to music less. I do have to be conscious of what my current favorite distractions are. I still have that tendency to want to shut down my brain when I feel I can't handle life.

    I love music though. I sang all through school and my family was pretty musical.

    side point...sometimes I get stupid songs stuck in my head and they bother me when I'm trying to sleep. Hate that!


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