Need help-feel a bit confused.

by QuestioningEverything 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    Thank you everyone for your responses and input. It's a frustrating situation. Most of you said the same thing my husband said-you are grown, have who you want at our house.

    Blondie-I hate to have to play the JW game but at this point, can't get out of it. It has to be done in my own time and believe me, that time is fast approaching-not in the world is ending any second now time frame but close.

    I like OTWO suggestions of telling my mom I don't plan on going back. That might be a step in the right direction to a peaceable(sp) solution. I know if I tell her that, she will think it is because of my Apostate Aunt and that is so not the case.

    Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • blondie

    QE, by playing the game I just mean who you invite to your home. Doctrine, policies on other things are something down the road. But right now this is the one issue that matters. Are you planning on uninviting the "offending" people to please your mother?

  • QuestioningEverything

    Blondie- I am keeping my guest list as it is now. All of the "offenders' are welcome in my home!! If my mom chooses to not come or participate, that is her choice.

    On a side note, the shower is going to be really nice. I'm excited. My niece is beautiful and I'm having a wonderful time spoiling her!!!

  • cantleave

    QE - Enjoy the shower and everything associated with the joy of new life in your family.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I understand your frustrations totally. Have a beautiful shower for your niece. She will never forget it.

  • Kinjiro

    Here is another one of those lovely dilemas that the jw beliefs put us in... How come birthdays are bad but 'births to be' (baby showers) are ok?

    As far as your mother's way of thinking... I have one exactly the same and after years of struggling, I came up with the perfect solution: I do not invite to gatherings. Period. I only invite her over to the house for dinner with me and my inmediate family.

    Her loss....

  • wantstoleave

    Hope you have a wonderful baby shower!!

  • LoriJis

    I am just as conused as you...I can see my parents' dissappointment n hurt once they ind out i have faded. I understand how you feel. It's nice to know I am not the only one who feels that way.

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