Give a brief description of what is the Watchtower Society and the JWS organization

by The Almighty Homer 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    A destructive, mind-controlling, religious cult that believes in the imminent worldwide destruction of everyone except themselves.


    A publishing company, masquerading as a religion that destroys families and self-worth.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Good poignant comments everyone, I hope lurkers catch this thread and make themselves stop and think for a second.

    Rules and Regulations nailed quite well

    I'm glad you mentioned Rutherford because he really was the leading asshole of all the leaders,

    he essentially created his own little kingdom because he identified the organization as his own and ruled over it as such.

    Must of thought of himself quite the man driving around in his elaborate Cadillac wearing his expensive hand tailored suit and that

    cain ready by his side to whack someone who didn't agree with him.

    Ps. Happy birthday to Mr. Flipper, you old son of whats it like to being in your 30's now ?

  • Farkel

    Myth, mystery and miracle. All lies.


  • WTWizard

    A scam.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The Watchtower Kingdom is really built up on lies on top of other lies, but hey the appealing aspect of this particular cult is

    they are offering immortality in paradise and not to be killed shortly by a brutish god, its no wonder so many have walked

    right into the Kingdom hall and sat down.

  • designs

    Like the Catholics, Protestants, and Fundamentalists the Society has its own set of superstitions. They all should have 'Beware Cult' labels.

  • jhvhlnlylmz

    You all are telling lies.What they sell???They are not getting fees.I am from Türkiye.They exist here.They are real moral valued living people.Internet is full of lies...You have no proof.Most people believe to religions as a ancestor beliefs.

    Did you examine anything other than pleasing your instinctes?

    Is there a God for you.Read bible and see the truths.At least read....

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Jhv...... the bible is full of bullshit lies spoken by men who lived thousands of years ago, the WTS. just manipulated and exploited those lies

    to put into commercial use. There now you now the real 'Truth' ......Your welcome !

    Its a publishing company that coats its self with religion.

    Do more research and you'll come to an agreement with that .

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Thats true Designs there is apparent fear, superstitions and ignorance thats prevalent with the JWS organization.

    Very much like other regions that are still in operation to day, unfortunately.

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