Why did you leave the society??

by sadiejive 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    I haven't left yet but i'm on my way out. i have to stay a little while i have two kids and it will affect them to much with their friends.

    Why leave? It's not the TRUTH. They've got some things right but some things wrong. It is not Jehovah's directed organization. If it were they would have their prophecies right in the first place and wouldn't have to change them, (he never changes). There are a lot of good people in the organization but there are a lot of good people in other churches too. Find where you feel comfortable, accept his son Jesus Christ as your saviour and live your life accordingly.

    I've been wondering why it is that people that get out feel such an animosity towards it when they leave. I think maybe the answer to that is they claim to be the only ones who have the truth and everyone else is going to die. They say they have the only direct channel to Jehovah and when you beleive that you found it for so long and then realize you've been dupped it pisses you off and that is where the animosity comes from. And it's not like you can just leave, NO they have to destroy all your friendships that you've made over the years and you have to start over.

    All I can say is research research research! READ YOUR BIBLE (Get a different version than the New World Translation) compare, You can understand the bible w/o the Watchtower and their books though they don't want you to believe that. And lastly Pray about it.

  • Simon

    I started looking up some of the quotes in their literature (particularly the Creation book) and found they had been changed or were from either non-experts in the subject being discussed or total nut cases.

    Typical quote would be "Life could not have originated on earth ... " [ says scientist ]. 'Scientist' will turn out to be an astronomer, not a biologist or geologist etc... (or perhaps something whackier like a psychologist) and the rest of the quote will have been cutoff cause it says something like " ... because little green men from space started the human race".

    Turns out they were very, very dishonest and their response to this was not to try and discuss things or explain them - they just want to shut you up so you cannot inform anyone else.

    They do not care how they do this or how much hurt they cause.

    Their whole religion is made up of lies and re-writes of history - they won't even want you to look at their old publications as they don't have the things in them that they claim (eg. they claim to have been fortellnig Christ's return in 1914 but I have books from 1925 which show they still claimed then that he came in 1874).

    They do not show any more love to each other than any other organisation or club or members and I think probably show less concern. You are an assosciate and nothing more. Stop going or step out of line and you may as well be Satan himself.

    Please think very carefully before 'signing up' and especially consider how your children will feel as it is a miserable life being a witness child.

  • cellomould

    There is a seldom-used talk about the Flood... and for good reason.

    When someone gave this talk at my kingdom hall, all the points he made rang hollow. None of the arguments seemed logical; it was the fault of the outline, not the speaker.

    There were implausible lines of reasoning mentioned as 'could have's. For example, an earth covered by water 'could have' caused the formation of the large mountains we see today.

    I was tired of emotional language being used in the publications and from the platform to support the flood, creation, etc... Key words are used to discredit 'scientists' as a whole, but any 'scientist' who's argument seems to agree with the wt is portrayed as a savior. I'll have to agree with Simon there.

    I expressed some of my concerns (not by choice) to the presiding overseer. Our conversation was supposed to be confidential, and of course I was loath to mention my doubts to anyone at all. Well, of course, there was a talk soon thereafter:

    'Anyone who doesn't believe in the ransom has no reason to be here!'

    He spoke out to inspire dread (and I am sure he was afraid too), but he was right. It happened so quickly, but I knew the bible was not from any divine source and the JW organization was just a product of social evolution.


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • teejay


    Along with those here, read Scully's account of why she left at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=17974&site=3. It is typical of many thousands.

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    If it's your intention to proceed with JWs, I won't disabuse you, but, as in making any one of several major life decisions (like relocating, getting married, starting a family, etc.) you've got to enter with both eyes open and with a full awareness of all the pros and cons-- of all sides.

    And experience shows that to do this successfully, the JW that studies with you simply cannot be your sole source of imput on this religious movement. Believe me, that would be folly.

    For starters, are you familiar with all the ``can't dos'' that can get you kicked out? Lots of people who ctontrubute to this board have publish lists of these and will be glad to point them out to you.

    You have two kids, right? Ask your JW teacher what he/she thinks about higher education or intramural sports.

    The simple fact that you found this forum is a healthy indication that you're prepared to do the necerssary ``due diligence'' before taking that life-altering plunge into the baptismal pool.

    You will, of course, do you please. Meanwhile, I suggest that you continue to pursue your research until you've obtained satisfactory answers to every single one of your quesions/misgivings.

    God bless you in this endeavor.

  • Farkel

    I left for most of the reasons already mentioned and one more: the spiritual leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses are a bunch of self-serving, self-aggrandizing, self-worshiping, self-appointed assholes who care nothing about their flock, only about preserving their own esteem and glory.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I left because of the lousy food at assemblies. Especially the pies. YUCK! How can any organization claiming to represent God provide such sorry chow for it's adherants?

  • one

    drahcir yarrum,
    LOL, Smply very funny.
    and you had to eat it stankingup, just like israel on the way out of Egypt

    Studying for 4 years? Not too long ago jw would not study with you for more than 6 month,

    FYI, most kids leave the org as they become adults, why?

    BTW, jw are not part of the SOCIETY.

    Dont ask heavy questions to jw, just see and listen...
    If you decide to become a jw and later resign for ANY reason
    HOW DO YOU THINK THEY WILL TREAT YOU? (your good jw brothers and sisters, friends).

    Ddid you read the book CoC? You will find a good answer to your question

  • wheelwithinwheel

    As we « studied » the Revelation book for the 2+ time, we read the word-by-word commentary of the Watchtower.... Then we were asked a question on the verse, to give us the impression that, yes, we were actually reasoning. Then we read the Watchtower answer back to the conductor. Then we were rewarded for reciting the Watchtower view with a commendation of something like, very good, excellent comment etc. We all felt great ! Imagine, we had the divine privilege of thoroughly understanding this mysterious book.

    Probably reminds you of your 4 years of « Bible » « study » ... yes ?

    As we got into nitty-gritty details that all applied to the Watchtower Soc. it seemed more and more absurd that the Almighty God would have compiled a mysterious and symbolic book, only to have it all apply to tracts and assemblies and resolutions.

    Taking into consideration the Bible verse comprehension track record of the Watchtower Soc. over the years, makes it seem even more ridiculous for the Watchtower to even attempt a possible explanation of the book of Revelation. But then that’s part of the problem.

    the Watchtower’s attitude :

    absolutely no humility... brings on other traits like

    refusing to admit they have erred ... quite a feat when you claim you are not infallible and are proved wrong over and over again!

    The Watchtower refuses to take responsibility for anything, while demanding complete control (example below).

    Here is a set of instructions duly noted by all elders attending the 1994 elders course. Bear in mind the elders are instructed to follow the Society’s direction to the letter. You will note the Watchtower will not take any responsibility

    Six Expressions That Should Not Be Used on S77 and S79 Forms:

    1. Anything alluding to or naming one of the Society's attorneys

    2. Any mention of the Legal Department

    3. Any comments referring to direction from the Society

    4. Any comments mentioning anyone other than the committee itself as a possible influence in the decision reached

    5. Any comments that might suggest to someone with a critical eye that the committee did not reach its decision on its own but, instead, somehow yielded to the influence of an outside party

    6. Any comments indicating that the elders mishandled the case or committed any error in the investigation or the judicial committee process.

    elders course Dec 94

    A few last pointers :

    Be prepared to turn off your brain and put on the Watchtower head mold. Individual thought and opinion is prohibited.

    Ask your questions now. After baptism question are not tolerated.

    If you do join, keep your « worldly friends » and stay close to your family. Don’t alienate them with « the Truth » Hope they’ll be there for you if you bail out one day.

    good luck! oops... can't say that. I guess it would be JW acceptable to wish you: be fortunate!


  • sadiejive

    Wow...Lotsa info to process. Thanks everyone!!!!

    Actually, I have studied for around 3 yrs and my hub a little longer. When they first started coming over, I didn't study with them. My husband studied on the porch with the man. A little time later, I noticed one day when he (the jw) was leaving (I was peeking out the window) that his wife and child were sitting in the car. A good hour in the heat while he studied with my hub. I suggested to my husband that he invite the wife and child to sit with him. When it started getting cooler outside, I suggested that he invite them inside. Eventually, I began to study with them. For about the first year, we just asked basic questions: What did they believe? I never knew what they believed. My hub and I were brought up being taught to never talk to JWs. We were curious to know why no one liked these people. So, we learned about why they didn't believe in hell, their views on death, the soul, the 144,000, earthly paradise, trinity, etc. We spent the first year trying to convince these people that they were wrong. Of course, that didn't happen. Neither my husband nor myself really knew why we believed like we believed and we certainly had no scripture to back up our beliefs. So, we began the Knowledge that leads to Everlasting Life book, then the What does God Require of us? brochure, and now we are studying the United in Worship book. Most of our studies are spent just talking about things like kids, movies, etc. Also, when I find info or scriptures that make me "think" or question certain things, we will sometimes spend entire studies discussing that. My husband and I do attend the KH (irregularly ) and he has recently joined the TMS.

    Thanks for sharing your story. I am proud that you have found happiness.

    I read your story. It was touching...and I feel for you. I hope you can find peace. It sounds as if your healing process is just beginning. Best of luck.

    I tried that url and got nothing. Thanks anyway


    For starters, are you familiar with all the ``can't dos'' that can get you kicked out? Lots of people who ctontrubute to this board have publish lists of these and will be glad to point them out to you.
    I would like to see that. Waiting shared a few with me on my last post. A list of "can't do's" is exactly what I am looking for.

    drahcir yarrum::
    LOL...Thanks for the laugh...


    Studying for 4 years? Not too long ago jw would not study with you for more than 6 month,
    No, why?

    BTW, jw are not part of the SOCIETY.
    I don't understand.

    Ddid you read the book CoC?

    Is this Crisis of Conscience? I haven't read that.

    My apologies if I didn't respond to each of you individually. I thank all of you for sharing this part of yourselves with me. Know that your story is a contribution to a very big and difficult decision in my life.

    Thanks again..

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