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by wantstoleave 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    AGuest, I think it is you that misunderstood me. My point was that JWs misuse that scripture!!

    Indeed, they do, dear GM, and please accept my sincere apology if I did in fact "misunder[stand]" you. I am not so sure, however, as it was your question "why replace one delusion with another?" that prompted my response: I took you as saying that God was "another" delusion (and, after re-reading your comments, I still believe that's what you were saying)… which He is not.

    I have had conversations that went like this: Me: Don't you think that (whatever we were talking about) shows they aren't the true religion? JW: Yes, but where else can I go? Its like the scripture in John where the disciples ask where else or to who else they can go. The WT has sayings of everlasting life... Understand now?

    I do! Hopefully, I've explained how the verse should TRULY be perceived.

    I also find it extremely arrogant that people who can not prove God exists supposedly have so much information on how he wants us to live our life.

    Me, too!

    You can't prove God is there but you can say things like "the WTS doesn't know" and then claim YOU DO!?

    You're right, I can't prove that God "is there"… I can only direct you to the One who can, which I am MORE than willing to do, if you wish it. As to my claim that "the WTS doesn't know… but ['I'] do," I would have to say to you, truthfully, that that's not quite accurate. I mean, I sort of know. I don't know in and of myself, you know, not on my own. It is only by means of what I receive from His Son, my Lord, that I know ANYTHING that I do. On this subject specifically… and a great many others as well.

    In the words of Jar Jar binks, HOW WUDE! Religion as an organisation or as an individual makes claims no sane person would and I am just supposed to respect it and not scrutinize it as I would anything else? I don't think so!

    First, no need for you to worry: I am sane. But, no, you are NOT "just supposed to respect it and not scrutinize it." Where did you get that I ever suggested you should? If you knew me you would KNOW that I would NEVER tell you to do so. To the contrary, you absolutely SHOULD scrutinize it… indeed, TEST it. I would. That's how I began to understand that they (the WTBTS) DIDN'T know.

    And while I am ranting, God dwells in his people?! What the...?

    Yes, this is the TRUTH.

    So what is God?

    He is a spirit being (i.e., both in body and life force)… vs. like us, physical beings (in body; however, we are also spirit in life force). Unlike us, however, God is not confined to a vessel of flesh… with its blood… which vessel is imperfect, limited, bound, and enslaved. As a result of such a vessel, WE… MUST eat (physical food), drink (H20), pee (what we drink), poop (what we eat), sleep (so as to heal/rejuvenate), and breath air (so as to live, in general). He does not have such limitations. Spirit beings in general don't… thus, they are FREE. Unlike US, "earthling" man… who are "terrestrial" and so "of the earth/physical" realm (as opposed to those who are "celestial" and so "of the spirit/heaven" realm). It really isn't rocket science, actually…

    And if he dwells in his people... What does that even mean!?

    It means that our flesh is merely a vessel… a container… a "cup"… in which spirit (life force) dwells: our OWN… and, for some, God's (and Christ's).

    You see God in people?

    Only in one: Christ.

    Even though they all do bad things?

    Now what sense does THAT make? You are jumping to some VERY inaccurate conclusions. About me… and about what I believe. How is that?

    And what about, as Sam Harris said in a debate with David Wolpe, Elvis?

    Elvis' spirit is in the "world" of the dead [spirits]. So, no, I don't see Elvis… or Michael Jackson… or Janis Joplin… and Henry the VIII… or my mom… or my dad… (shakes head)

    Using your logic of God dwells in his people, you could say the same for Elvis!

    Ummm… no, I couldn't, not quite. That's because while it is true that IF Elvis' spirit were raised up, it MIGHT be able to occupy another living being (well, living as in flesh with its blood), his spirit has not yet been raised up. Thus, it is still were IT dwells… in the "world" of the dead. This is because when Elvis' flesh died… HIS spirit left the vessel that was HIS fleshly body… and went to the world of the dead (where most spirits go, but admittedly not all)… where it awaits resurrection… to another body of flesh. After which he either received life… or judgment. God's spirit, however, is not confined to one vessel such as ours are. We are limited; He is not.

    All those who believe he is not dead are right after all because he dwells within them! YAY! Moron.

    Ah, yes, name calling. VERY "intelligent" of you. Look, you don't have to take MY word for ANY of what I've shared here, dear GM. No one does, and if you knew me you would know that that is the FIRST thing I would tell you. You would know that the SECOND thing I would tell you is that YOU… can simply ask the Most Holy One of Israel yourself. That's what I did… and He answered me. My advice to you, if I may? ASK. Go ahead. If you've the wisdom… and the courage… to do so AND to receive what you will hear. (Ummm... I would also advise that you ask in faith, 'cause you're gonna need some of that, too! And may I also suggest that you don't assume you know what faith is - I would wager that you "do not know.")

    I bid you peace.

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • wantstoleave

    Thanks for letting us know a bit about you Aguest :) And thanks everyone for your replies, I really appreciate it...

  • GapingMouth


    Thanks for your reply.

    I was saying, as an atheist, that any God is a delusion, as The God Delusion explains. I respect you believe in God, but my opinion was that you dont need religion or God to be happy - especially as I don't think he exists.

    Thanks for sharing with me what you believe.

    I am not one to usually resort to name-calling. I apologise sincerely. I was in a bad mood as I broke my ribs and was in pain. I hope you can accept my apology there.

  • Heaven

    I find it rather odd and somewhat annoying that JWs feel they can speak for all of us. They do seem to like to put words in peoples' mouths.

    The answer to your question regarding am I searching for a religion is No. The answer to your question do I worship 'something' is No.

    I have seen enough to know that religion is man-made and I am uninterested in any man's interpretation of the Bible. I am also highly suspicious of this book called 'The Holy Bible'. This is what happens when you try to subjugate me.

    There are 4 areas of human need: Physical - To Live, Emotional - To Love, Mental - To Learn, Spiritual - To Leave A Legacy. If you are not fulfilled in any of these 4 areas, you will feel a certain emptiness or incompleteness. THIS is the real truth. "Religion" has very little to do with any of these. Some may say 'mental' and/or 'spiritual' and if that works for you, then good. It doesn't work for me.

    What each of us needs to do is to look at our lives from the 4 Needs viewpoint if we feel empty or wanting. Start looking at what is lacking in each of these areas of your life. Look for ways that work for you. There is no 'one size fits all' solution like the WTS wants to hand people. This is a personal and individual definition and it can only come from within each of us.

  • leavingwt

    Please allow (Nobel Prize-winning codiscoverer of the DNA molecule) Dr. James Watson to comment on this topic. . .

    "I don't think we're here for anything, we're just products of evolution. You can say, 'Gee, your life must be pretty bleak if you don't think there's a purpose,' but I'm anticipating a good lunch."


  • AGuest

    May you have peace... and please know that your "sincere" apology is entirely accepted. Sincerely.

    PEACE to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • garyneal
    Simon Peter answered him: 'Lord, WHOM shall we go away to? YOU have sayings of everlasting life...'"

    You know, that is a good point. I was at the assembly hall today with my wife. They went over the watchtower concerning everlasting life on earth (a Christian hope). They quoted John 14:1-5 stating that Jesus was telling His disciples how they were going to have the "heavenly hope" and Thomas asked in verse 5 "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

    They conveniently (so it seemed to me) skipped the very important verse (verse six) that came next: 'Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."' My wife said that Jesus was only just trying to show His disciples how they have the heavenly hope and how they did not understand this until the Holy Spirit annointed them at Pentacost. I guess since the subject was concerning Christians with the Earthly hope, this scripture must not apply to them.

    They seem to have a peculiar way of looking at things from my perspective.

  • finding my way
    finding my way


    I just wanted to say I read your story and I'm glad to know you a little better. I love reading the personal stories on here.

    Of course I kind of want to say "sorry they treated you this way" but at the same time you are so much better off without them so congrats!


  • AwSnap

    Personally, I cannot associate my beliefs with those who are atheists. I think some are the coolest people around, but our views are simply different. There have been too many things that have happened in my life....too many times where I "should've" died as a result of my negative ways. I cannot help but believe there is 'more out there'...someone(s) looking out for me. But when I first was exiting the jw faith, I had a paranoia...a "what else IS THERE!?" mentality? Now, many years later, I wonder, but it does not consume me. The most important thing for me is simply to give thanks. If there is someone(s) so much more powerful than myself, surely they understand where I am coming from. Right? Right. I do not stress out over it, nor am I searching like crazy. I simply realize I do not have all the anwers, yet I am so thankful. And I give thanks. "THEY" know how thankful I am. Could it all be in my imagination? Sure. But it's what I believe. Same as atheists. Same as Christians. We have no proof. Simple as that.

  • AGuest
    They conveniently (so it seemed to me) skipped the very important verse (verse six) that came next: 'Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."'

    That's because:

    1. They don't GET, dear GaryNeal (and peace to you!) that not only is he the WAY... but also the CRAMPED ROAD, NARROW GATE, and DOOR ... through which those who want to come before the Person of the Most Holy One of Israel MUST "go in/enter" Matthew 7:13, 14; John 10:7, 9- which they don't get because, they don't GET:

    2. The SPIRITUAL "temple SANCTUARY" (i.e., for which God is the MOST Holy... and Christ the HOLY which one must go through to get TO the MOST Holy...) Proverbs 9:10; 30:3; Ezekiel 41:1, 4; 1 Peter 1:15; Hebrews 9:3, 6, 8; John 14:6 - which they don't get because, they don't GET:

    3. The spiritual "TEMPLE" itself, which is not made of stones or by hands but of [spiritual] PEOPLE (thus, Christ, the cornerstone; the apostles, the foundation; and the prophets and "spiritual" Israel the pillars and living stones; with God as the temple sanctuary and Christ, the "holy" through which we must enter in order to access the sanctuary...) Acts 17:24; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 2:19-22; 2 Peter 2:4 , 5; Revelation 3:12 - which they don't get because...

    4. Neither God... nor the Holy Spirit... nor an anointing WITH holy spirit... has REVEALED it to them. Matthew 16:16, 17; John 14:16, 17, 26; 16:7, 8, 13, 14; 1 John 2:26, 27

    They... and those who follow them... are "leaning on their OWN understanding," rather listening to the One they were TOLD to listen to, rather than "buying eyesalve" from HIM... and so, unfortunately, remain blind. Proverbs 3:5; Matthew 15:14; 17:5; John 10:27; Revelation 3:17, 18

    Hopefully, there are those here, including perhaps you, dear one, with ears to hear and get the SENSE of these truths.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


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