25% of the World is Muslim?

by leavingwt 68 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt

    Which requires more "interpretation"? (1) Reading the actual text of the Koran and obeying it, or (2) reading the actual text of the Koran and ignoring the commands?

  • shamus100

    I find that the "bible" is just as violent, if not moreso.

    The president of the United States even said that Americans don't hate muslims.

    So what are you so frightened about? I'm more frightened of Christians than Muslims, that's for sure.

  • Guest with Questions
  • shamus100

    Guest with Questions,

    So there's a lot of Muslims. So what?

    A call to action? What, to stop Muslims?

    What kind of a nutcase religion is that video from?

    Fear-mongering at it's finest.

  • leavingwt
    I'm more frightened of Christians than Muslims, that's for sure.


    If the Inquisition were still happening, I would understand, without asking.

  • Spook

    Christianity has a dominant moderating presence. The most extreme elements of Christianity are openly opposed by numerous prominent religious leaders.

    This internal component is absent from Islam. None of the major schools of Islamic thought have taken a powerful stance in this regard. The religion could benefit from a reformation type movement.

    There is not an element of "no part of this world' thinking. A much larger portion of the Islamic community supports actively advancing an Islamic agenda.

    The monotheisms share the OT. Christianity is most often a moderating influence when compare to the OT. The Quran and Hadith maintain and intensify the spirit of the old testament.

    No reason for panic - yet every reason to believe that the primary cultural and military conflicts of our lifetime will need to be resolved with a realistic understanding of how Islamic values influence decision making.

  • B-Rock

    How many of that 25% are Koranimals? I.E the fundamentalist variety? I suspect that the fundamentalism is to an extent a reaction towards Western modernity. If this is a correct hypothesis, then fundamentalism will probably be more common in the Muslim population residing in the West.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Which requires more "interpretation"? (1) Reading the actual text of the Koran and obeying it, or (2) reading the actual text of the Koran and ignoring the commands?

    I don't understand your post. However, tafsir is often approached from a socio-historical context, and it is influenced greatly by whether a specific verse is from the Medina or Mecca periods. Hijabi is an excellent example of the diversity of interpretation with some promoting stringent rules and others using verses to promote that a woman has the "right" to look beautiful. So again, which sharia?

  • B-Rock

    Hijabs make awesome cumrags. Let the reader use discernment.

    Rock on.

  • leavingwt
    I don't understand your post.

    If we open the Old Testament of the Bible, it tells us to murder our children, if they are disobedient. So, most Christians read this, then interpret this (however they do it) and decide that these instructions do not apply to them, and they ignore this command.

    With the Koran, it instructs the Muslim to slaughter the Infidel. So, most Muslims then interpret this (however they do it) and decide that it does not apply to them, and they ignore this command.

    When Osama bin Laden kills Infidels, it's not because he interpreted anything, it's because he read the Koran and it told him to do so. It's there in black and white. No interpretation is needed. (It would be exactly the same scenario if a Bible-believing person stoned their child.)

    As Spook commented earlier, in many cases, secular forces outside of Islam and Christianity and have done us all a big favor and moderated these faiths. Less decapitations and stonings and such.

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