by WuzLovesDubs 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    I've only been in and out here the last couple of weeks so I don't know the details leading to this post, but MOUTHY...please don't leave. Whatever happened, just let it go. I always feel soothed when I read one of your prayers for somebody. You are a corner post of this community.

  • minimus

    make it clickable, willya?

  • isaacaustin
  • Goshawk

    dual post on my part, sorry.

  • isaacaustin

    yes he wanted it clickable

  • minimus

    OK, I read it. I like Mouthy. I admire any 82 year old woman who takes a stand against the WT. and tell's it like it is,

    Having said that, if she wants to express her aggravations to AE or anyone else, she HAS to expect that in this setting, she's going to have things said that might hurt her or infuriate her. If she can't handle the fallout, she should reconsider what she's doing here. There will be WT. apologists here that will weakly defend their religion and put down others in the meantime. It goes with the territory. So if it's too hot in the kitchen, take a break in the living room. Unfortunately, Grace gets upset and at times announces she's leaving. everyone begs her not too and she stays. Personally, I think she should stop this cycle. Don't go anywhere and either deal with whatever pisses you off or hurts you or don't engage in conversations with those that will upset you. (I'm ready and have already started ducking).

  • isaacaustin

    Alright, this really should die out already.....

  • skeeter1



  • undercover

    Mouthy is a cool ole granny...I like her...

    ...but the red dot is right. If you come to a JW discussion board, there are going to be apologists and believers and trolls. If a particular poster upsets you ignore them or their posts. If that doesn't work then maybe a discussion board about the activities of the cult that has caused harm isn't for you.

    Sometimes it is for the best when someone moves on from the board. For them I wish them the best in their continuing journey. I would never beg them to stay if staying is going to damage their recovery.

  • minimus

    UC, thanks for those comments. I've had posters rip me to shreds over the years. It is what it is. (I get them back. I always do).

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