A little intro

by stillin9 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wantstoleave


  • Farkel

    The 1975 thing is easy to understand. Think of it just like the "no zero" year in our calendar. There was 1 B.C. Next came 1 C.E.

    Likewise, there was "1974." Next came "1976." "1975" didn't exist. It never happened.

    Hope that helps!


  • AgapeAcceptance

    Dear Stillin,

    I am lucky enough to have the Awake magazine from Oct 1968 that everyone quotes from, not a bound copy, but the actual one.. and to be honest.. having read it all.. how anyone with an ounce of common stayed in the org after 1975 is beyond me... but then not having ever been in I have no idea of the strangle hold they have over you.. just no way that a simple.. 'we didn't really say that' would cut it.. cause we really did say that.. so to speak...

    Very best wishes on your journey out, may you have around you all the folks you need to help you and I too agree with Black sheep.. take your time and do it the way you want to do it, not the way others might want you to.

    Yet another Chris

  • mouthy

    how anyone with an ounce of common stayed in the org after 1975 is beyond me.
    .. LOL!!!!! Hey I was guilty,so mAYBE i SHOULD CHANGE MY NAME FROM MOUTHY TO DOPEY!!!!
    Good to have you aboard" another Chris"

  • DaCheech

    i still attend, but i'm mentally free, that counts alot to me for the sake of staying sane

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum.

    Patience is called for. Keep reading and know that anything you choose to do about it is up to you.

    I love this quote from one poster: "Better to have questions that I can't answer, than answers I can't question."

    My feelings exactly. I have come to realize that I do not have "all the answers" like I thought I did for over thirty years.

  • Heaven

    Welcome Stillin9!

    Well the big boys at the top are blaming the R&F JWs about the 1975 fiasco. Apparently it was all the membership that came up with that bit of lunacy (and the lies keep on a-comin'). The GB are Teflon Men. Nothing sticks to them.

    When I started doing my research on JWs and the WTS I was amazed at how right my gut feelings were when I was a teenager over 30 years ago. Not much has changed in that time. Back then I felt I couldn't join this organization. Now I KNOW I cannot.

  • leavingwt


    Crisis of Conscience should be a realy eye-opener for you.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy and welcome!

  • bluecanary

    The reason you have the number 9 after your name is because there is another poster here named stillin. Nevermind the fact that you are going to confuse bluecanary, the point is that there are definitely other people here in your shoes who can offer you solidarity. Welcome to the forum.

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