What Are the GREATEST SINS One Can Commit in the WT World?

by Cold Steel 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    One of the greatest, I'll bet, is apostasy.

    But what about others? What is someone has committed adultery? Or even murder? If someone murdered someone twenty years ago, could they receive baptism? And what if someone committed adultery with a high church official or his wife? If an official heard someone admit to a heinous crime committed years ago (and which has no statute of limitations), would he be required to report it to law enforcement?

    What if someone committed apostasy, started a website for former members and then wanted to suddenly return?

    If I recall correctly, the wages of sin is death, and those who fight Jehovah won't be tossed into a fiery pit, but simply uncreated and become nothing. Is that correct? And if so, what of Jesus' saying that it would be better is such people had never been born or had the proverbial millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the sea?

    What of those who lived and died without hearing the gospel? Or what of aborted infants, or infants who died at birth? Are these saved through the grace of Christ? And if apostasy is considered a great sin, is it the "unforgiveable" sin mentioned in scripture? Are people ever declared to be guilty of such in this world? If so, by whom?

    Since I've never been to a Kingdom Hall meeting, is the Lord's Supper observed there? I understand this sacrament is limited only to the 144,000 heavenly class, and that this class has pretty much been exhausted. How is one supposed to know if one is of the heavenly or earthly class? It seems I was told years ago that John the Baptist was not deemed to be of the heavenly class because Jesus said, "He who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he." Most Christians believe this was a statement of Jesus saying that he, Jesus, who because of taking the sins of the world upon himself, thus had the least claim on the Kingdom of Heaven; yet he was greater than John the Baptist. Jesus always equated the least with the greatest, and I can't believe the JW theologians missed what I see as an obvious interpretation. But then, I guess I'm just not spirit led.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    The GB has always made it known to all that the ONLY unforgivable sin is to curse Holy Spirit.

    Well I don't know if it has since changed.

  • undercover
    The GB has always made it known to all that the ONLY unforgivable sin is to curse Holy Spirit.

    That's the official, by the book answer...

    One of the greatest, I'll bet, is apostasy.

    ...but in reality that is the answer. More venom is spit about apostates and apsostacy than any other "sin" in the JW world.

    Adultery/fornication etc. is also a biggie in JW land. Any "sin" of a sexual nature is usually treated harshly...except for pedophiles. They seem to be treated with kid gloves compared to two teenagers who got horny and couldn't keep their pants on.

  • RubaDub

    I read the top 3 are:

    1. Apostacy

    2. Idolatry

    3. One Towel Rule

    Rub a Dub

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    In the JW mind, the GREATEST SINS are believing in the Trinity and hell.


    The Greatest Sin you can commit in Watchtower World..


    To Disagree about Anything..

    The WBT$ Teache`s or Does.


  • glenster

    Be Jesus and return and blow the JWs leaders' deal.

  • diamondiiz

    To say that you don't believe that wts is God's org. If you say it's not God's org, that will get you df and you will be labeled an apostate.

    In my case I told elders I didn't believe in 1914, about wts not being forthfront about pedophiles and about UN scandel and that I was investigating(researching) wts. They asked me if I believed wts was God's org and at that time I wasn't sure but didn't say no and the PO said he didn't know what to think of me. But it was only a year after that meeting that I left by a DA letter. I'm sure have I said right there and then that I didn't believe wts was God's org I would have been df at that time. In jw eyes gb=God even though they wouldn't say that but one can commit fornication, and other sins which will be forgiven but when you wts isn't God's org you're out.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Has anyone asked them how they know that the WTS is God's organization?

    Wouldn't God have said something to someone? Wouldn't it, like, be in the Bible? I have never seen such arrogance in my life, and I think that's why the JW organization intrigues me. Do they go to the door and say: "Hi, we represent Jehovah and...."

    "How do you know you represent Jehovah? Did He tell you?"

    "No, but the leaders of His organization have told us and...."

    "Oh, He told your leaders?"

    "No, you're interrupting, which is rude...."

    "Well, did Jesus start your organization?"

    "No, but Jehovah did, and we are His witnesses. See? It says right here: 'You are my witnesses, says Jehovah.'"

    "Well, doesn't my Bible say the same thing?"

    "Aha! No it doesn't! No, your Bible says, 'Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord.' See? It doesn't have the word Jehovah in it. Ours does."

    "But Jehovah's just a tetragrammaton and doesn't have an actual pronuciation. For one thing, the vowels are missing."

    I don't know. Maybe they can make a case. If so, it really hasn't impressed a lot of people. Didn't Jesus say many people would come claiming to be Him or His representatives? I would think they would have to have a better pitch.

    I read a book years ago by a woman who left the Witnesses and I recall thinking that the leaders made a lot of claims they couldn't back up. She was punished, the local leaders were outraged. Members whispered behind her back and then began making rude comments to her face. Then they tried to get her to come back. The book raised more questions than it answered. I could never figure out whence the sense of legitimacy came from.

    It would be too bad if Witnesses lost their faith in religion entirely. Do most of them join other churches when they leave or do they just reject religion altogether? What if a sinner simply said, "Hey, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut and just start living a better life," and didn't confess? He or she wouldn't go to hell, nor would I think God would destroy them for not confessing. What of these people on YouTube who point a camera at themselves and then begins cursing the Holy Spirit? (Someone on Bill Mahar's Religulous did that.) Isn't it possible that Jesus was speaking of something else, like denying the type of personal revelation that God gave Peter? I'm just curious if anyone's been denied reentry into the church for that particular sin.


    Has anyone asked them how they know that the WTS is God's organization?

    The WBT$ is Gods Organization..


    The WBT$ say`s So!!..

    What more Proof do you Need?!..

    Crazy 1


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